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i honestly want to know how long it took for that guy to get his car out of the frozen waterfall….LMAO
5:11 that's why you let the cop pass you when he has his lights on you donut
Not hardly anything to do with parking
5:30 is that Vsauce?
Never go outside wearing flip flops after it rain or snowed
lol the bucket is still standing (min 6:55)
2:05 omg What was she thinking? Thats a lot hair wasted.
1:29 Janice….Is that Janice
I don't expect anything less from a healthy young man wearing a mask in the middle of the woods. It's apparent he dies not think anything through.
@:17 that’s what he gets for wearing a mask outside… in the woods…
texas wtf are your roofs built ??? from cardboard ???
3:37 she looks like a Mii wtf
2:38 ??
1:32. “Should I shut the water off?” Uh wtf have you done that yet. Wow. Yea.
Are you okay ?? Screaming in pain
This guy on a bike just made my day)
2.57 is very sad
This is what I called the failarmy. cuz fail army made an army of fails
5:54 "Si dobar" hahahaha brat moj
Halve these are just unlucky clips
1:27 Shut. Off. The. Main…..
In the second clip, why is the idiot wearing a mask? Does he were a helmet when he's sleeping as well?
Like what would a boss say about that??
Hey boss, can't come in work today.
My car is frozen.
Can't be that bad.
Sends pic
You begin the clean up process and stop crying
Title: "Worst place to park"
Me: can't wait to see where all these idiots park.
First Video: guy swinging off tree.
Me: wait…did I change videos by accident.
1:43 that is why we use a powercage……..
1:14 thestupidest hero ever
1:31 Janice, is that you?
6:39 instead of yelling call the police why dont you call the police ffs
Cool and video
2:35 the girls are enjoy it!!!!!!
Why did that dood have a mask on in the woods. Cmom people lets not be brain washed with our new covid costume. Its bad to not be able to breath properly you know
at least failblog shows fails, half of these werent even fails
1:28 that poor guy was not having it