Thanks to science, humans can actually be revived after being dead for up to an hour. Called “death travelers,” these resurrected individuals often brought along with them tales from the other side. And while you may believe it or not, their testimonies remain the only evidence of literally escaping from the clutches of death. Here are 5 Gripping Stories of Near-Death Experiences.
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5. Anthony Cicoria (Struck by Lightning)
Like any existentialist, Anthony “Tony” Cicoria once believed that death is nothing but the end of everything and that nothing follows after it. Then something unexpected happened to him that completely changed his view of life and death.
4. Mary Neal (Submerged in River After A Kayaking Accident)
We can only dream or imagine what the afterlife looks like. But plenty of Near Death Experiencers, or NDErs like Mary C. Neal, have claimed to have seen the hereafter with their very own eyes.
3. Adam Tapp (Electrocution)
The famed writer Ernest Hemingway once said that death could be the easiest, simplest, and the most blissful thing to ever happen to man. This coincides well with what many NDErs would say about being in a state where there’s a complete and indescribable kind of peace. A man from Canada couldn’t agree more with this idea.
2. Anita Moorjani (Coma Due to Lymphoma)
They always say that death is the inevitable fate that awaits us all. Sooner or later, it will happen either in the most expected or unexpected ways. For Anita Moorjani, death came to her like a highly-anticipated event, but not once did it scare her.
1. Gregg Nome (Waterfall Drowning)
We always hear about life flashing before our eyes when we are in our last few moments. Though most of us have yet to experience such a thing, an exceptional few have reportedly been through it.
You sir are bloody awesome!
Much thanks to you and your crew.
Favourite channel for over a year now.
Never disappointed.
My first near death was when I was 5yrs old. My mother was busy tending my new baby sister and I decided to follow my dad down a shallow creek that we visited frequently. As I tried to catch up to him the water got deeper until I took a step and fell into an underwater drop off. I can remember struggling and being frightened at first then all of a sudden everything was beautiful and I was no longer scared. I joyfully watched the bubbles rise and looked at how beautiful it was there. Next thing I remember was coughing up water on the pebble bank of the creek and my parents above me and frantic. It is something I will never forget.
This October will Be 11 years since my near-death experience . When I fell on the train tracks. Overmedicated from opioids. I fell on the track lying across the train tracks. When I heard the voice of God tell me don't worry I've got you not to mentin train operator was train operator with an eyewitness I can't understand it i was lying across track and something pushed me the middle many people wouldn't believe it myself as well but God bless me one thing that made me believe that it happened I felt unconditional love ? on the train track I thank God ? everyday play I was never clinically dead
I had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia when I was 22 and I was on my 3rd round of chemo these tablets but they made me bleed from everywhere and I had a seizure (I don't remember this) but I was on lots of iv bags that night. I could see them below me telling my parents that there is a very slim chance of me making it through and I was speaking to a man who was telling me everything was going to be okay I don't know who this man was but I like to think it was my grandfather.
I went into shock after the birth of my son and I was overcome with the oddest sense of peace.
The majority of ndes have seen Jesus Christ. There are thousands here on you tube. Even atheists who were saved by Jesus. One is howard storm. Check them out. Jesus said " i am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but by me. " mary neal was a believer in Jesus Christ and that part was left out of her experience. Im sure that this channel wanted to remain neutral but He is the way and the only way out of our fallen state. Religion has hurt a lot of people but Jesus Christ is real and the bible is truth. If you wonder what this world is why we are here jonathan kleckon brighteon now has shown what this world is so has jeremiah cohen but the bible is truth. God bless all.
The human brain is an amazing thing, releasing certain chemicals near the time of death which create hallucinations and give a sense of calmness and serenity.
I've had a NDE too.. I've never forget seeing myself floating above my body and then seeing my housemate working on me with CPR thumping on my chest whilst waiting for the Paramedics to arrive..??? A feeling of such weightlessness and overhwelming peace overcame me as I was floating towards a heavenly light and going to a place full of love and no pain..??? Seeing my family members calling me towards the light as I was floating towards this bright light??? Such a surreal experience to experience such a weightless feeling within your body and overwhelming peace..???
Endorphins are a powerful chemical which probably explains most of these feelings.
After having some experiences of my own as a child, I grew up naturally curious about ndes and I've read hundreds of these cases obsessively and I'm fully convinced that whatever happened after we die, every religion except maybe Buddhism and paganism are completely dead wrong. I think we made this physical reality as a type of obstacle course for our souls to experience conflict we've grow through and that the scientists talking about simulation theory have no idea just how correct they are, and how far behind they are in discovering this. We've known reality isn't real as long as we've been able to write about it was a species.
After watching this, I feel cheated. In June I (can't say "experienced") went through respiratory failure followed by cardiac failure. I don't know how long it took EMTs to get me going again. I not only don't remember any of it, I forgot everything that has happened since before my birthday last December. Nada, nothing, zilch. Sigh….I
These stories, sadly are so mundane in scheme of things and are " safe" kinds of stories that cannot be proven nor unproven.
Even after watching these stories and reading down the comments I still don’t believe anything happens when we die and that it’s just black for the rest of eternity. I think it’s just one of those “you have to experience it to believe it” things
How did the last one come back to life??
Scary Mysteries: “Death can happen at any time…expected or unexpected.”
Screen suddenly goes black for an ad
Me: OMG I’m not ready!!!
Also me: ?
Near death experiences are not the same thing as death itself so how does it prove anything.
Another great episode. Thankyou.
You definitely have one of the best human mystery channels on YouTube. I would say it’s between you and Mr. Ballen. Although your channel goes much farther back
I was out for 6 minutes and it was jet black,warm and a feeling of overwhelming content and comfort.
I love these kind of stories! Maybe next time you can share some near death stories of people who visited Hell. Not all near death experiences are blissful
I am terrified of dying mainly leaving my children before they are ready. It would be nice if this is what waits.
This is one of my favorite subjects. Dr Raymond Moody has done thousands of interviews on NDEs. I’ve seen all of these either on unsolved mysteries or from dr moody himself. I absolutely believe these stories. Great job.
Hormones (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins, dmt, etc) released during death, or near death send you on a powerful trip, presumably so you don’t suffer in your final moments…. It all seems a bit too subjective and personalised to me. Each to their own though, I certainly don’t know any definitive answers ?♂️
Well its not an NDE story, but I did post my own personal OBE story on my channel for anyone interested.
Jesus is God…the way the truth and the life
Applying electricity to the brain causes the same out of body experience. Look up the God helmet. NDE’s can be recreated with electricity or drugs. Any soul, spirit, or thoughts to travel out of a body at death isn’t compatible with the laws of physics within the universe we occupy. An afterlife isn’t even a possibility in our reality we share.
I am only 22 and went in to a cardiac arrest and was dead for about 5 minutes that was 2 years ago and didn't see anything and was confused
Loved this vid ?