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"Don't tell the other guys"
*posts the video online
7:03 When that piece of floor comes loose…?????
And people actually get paid like $30 an hour. What a joke
The most unfunny videos ever.
4:24 That is hilarious, because that $1200 camera has insurance from the courier company but when they see the video of the courier throwing the box across the yard onto the porch, they aren't gonna cover the cost of the broken camera and that particular courier is going to get his pay docked by $1200 which is probably a months worth of pay,..
2:46 the most bond landing ever
I'm amazed many of these guys survived into adulthood to then pull stupid stunts like these.
These are quite serious
3:20 moment Jacky :v
1:54 Angry birds
While i laughed at a few, this was mostly just stressful to watch. I feel like management just watching these guys
1:32 Fucking Karen
Are we not gonna talk about the guy in the back disappearing
and they get paid
I'd say the biggest fail is whoever put those captions. All are wrong!
I would’ve lost my shit on the shopping cart guy, What a tool
i like men
I watched the whole thing ….ya didn't show when my foot got broke off my leg when I fell …
Whenever a mysogynist tells you that men do all the important jobs, just show him this video.
Osha probably laughing
and the stupidity goes on and on…
I feel lucky to have FedEx, USPS and UPS delivery people that are professional, courteous and handle packages with care.
"Bravo city of Auburn, Bravo". This coming from the guy who has never make a single mistake EVER.
6:45 those carts are whipping his a!@ lol
I worked construction a couple of years and I always steered-clear of the jackasses. Accidents are gonna happen, but I'm not breaking a bone or losing a finger because some moron got bored and started goofing around. My cousin shot a nail through his hand, my friend fell off a roof backwards and wrecked his back… it's not a time to play around.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection at its best.
Thx for subtitles, now I now what hahahah is in americish
The melted italy microbiologically rock because partridge rationally boil off a marked orange. uneven, glistening glorious cry
I love how the majority of subtitles is just, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
The biggest fail is the fact that the employers hired a man to throw a 1200 dollar camera
0:43 So nobody noticed that the pallets could’ve been grabbed from the side?
These aren’t even funny, they’re idiots.
The puny plain longitudinally measure because eel interestingly prepare like a ruddy softball. meaty, anxious radish
Huh. So that’s how the people who are in constant contact with our food put on masks. Great!
No I understand why OSHA was developed.
3:20 9 months later ??
Muuuurrricaaaa! So free but you still blur your middlefingers xD
Couldn't think that up 6:31
Wow,this big,older bear in the beggining of the video,SO sexy !! I hope he didn't injure himself,what a babe !!
where did the other man go
Not his fault!! City of Auburn fault. Fuck up city u live in.
I only watched a min or so. I don't like seeing people get hurt. Why were they being filmed anyway?
When I'm sad, I go to YouTube and found this video, I'm really happy. nice video ????