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FOX 13 Salt Lake City News reports, A Lehi High School chemistry teacher, Leah Kinyon, is on administrative leave after a video of the way she spoke in her classroom was shared with district leaders. Video recorded by a student in the classroom was shared with FOX 13 by his mother, Judy Storms.
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The irony is she is the idiot lol
Good she was fired parents stand up speak up
Teacher is a disgrace
She has some real chutzpah whining that Trump is/was a sexual predator after Bill Clinton!?
The "teacher" is a product of the indoctrination that she received in the public school system. She perpetuates a worldview that reflects what Christian apologist and philosopher Francis Schaeffer calls the upper story of irrational emotionalism (Schaeffer. The God Who is There. and He is There and He is Not Silent.) The lady ignores the facts, evidence and commits several logical fallacies.
I wonder if the Union supported her or if there is even a union. The threats she made were enough IMO to fire her.
Thank God she is gone…..
This lady shouldn't be anywhere near children
Heifers can't catch Delta
Public schools will continue to out out inferior products (education level of the kids) while liberals run it.
Threatening kids? Wow
What a disgrace she is.
Film and fire them all!!!
She’s bloody nuts
It's this type of loser who is to blame for Biden being president. She should be sent to jail for life.
That is NOT a teacher, that is a sicko, an adult BULLY and it is good they fired her! She should not be eligible for any benefits either – she should not be allowed to teach – ever again – and that includes animals! She is a sad mess, a misguided kid that looks like an adult, but NEVER matured!
This woman will not teach my kids at all Idiot
This is a part of what she needs to teach???????
These teachers don't need to have a job she is a moron
Fellow Americans, you have elected Biden as your president, and Kamala Harriq as your Vice President, you have elected a majority of democrats in congress, a majority of democrats in the senate. You jus have to blame yourself! This teacher is in place because of you!
Her parents probably aren't her number one fans after that video got out
Can we send her to Afghanistan, that would really really make me very happy