Welcome to People Are Awesome Presents, where our incredible community of talent put their top skills on display while sharing the motivations behind them! On episode two, we meet cyber yoga phenom Lamonte Goodel!
Follow Lamonte on Instagram ➤ https://www.instagram.com/cyberyoga/?hl=en
Music by Nick Rice
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That definitely gets everything running like a primo porches
Very good
Awesome 🙂
King of Love
That one handed handstand at the end though – grabbing the foot from behind and moving to the front of the body – AMAZING focus.
Filthy rags
Colonial vehicle critical present forty warrior.
Now That man is Plastic Rubber and very Damn Good, fantasic and freaking Awesomeeee!??????
Lets give you a name GRAVITY-MAN!
awesome and beautiful
1:00 can anyone tell me this move name
Bro can teach all the stuffs which u know plzzzz bro
Yoga is very powerful natural medicine for your health, mind, body and your thoughts for living happy and tension free Life
Beautiful.Carry on.❤️
This is exactly what Bruce Lee did. Take what he felt worked for him from different martial arts, dance, philosophy, etc., and created Jeet Kune Do.
I absolutely love this in so many ways. But especially because it’s so representative of the desperate change society needs, and is heading towards, inclusive. Yoga was mass marketed by the west and as a result the prevalent images are of white women. This shatters that. ❤️
He is absolutely correct, also, regarding the philosophy of yoga in all places, especially urban settings where it’s needed most. It’s easy to sit in a quiet forest and get your yoga on. The true test is when you’re challenged ?
Thanks for the inspiration, Lamonte!
yoga anjing
Your super-hybrid yoga isn't going to change me or my convictions. You can go back into your whale bladder and perform your evolution revolution there.
It's Great spread of yoga overseas of India…!
Best watching on mute