We are seeing a lot more extreme weather patterns. Are those related to climate change? What can we do to mitigate the damage these weather events are causing? On today’s MorningLine we talk to Hiba Baroud, professor of civil & environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University to talk about possible solutions. Be sure to watch to learn more.
The rivers aren't cleaned, or rip rapped with boulders, because Swift Mud doesn't want the environment disturbed. So much for that kind of thinking.
It wasn't a river it was trace creek. It rained hard all night with the flood hitting early morning before a lot of people had gotten out of bed. From what I have seen a lot of the flooding happened outside the flood plane.
Climate Change is not real. Democrats want to spend $$$Trillions on bull crap trying to change the climate. Only GOD can change and affect weather and climate.
it is necessary to combine forces, ideas, our thoughts for survival in order to find a way out. if we fail now, then our planet will simply die! why is nobody talking about it ?!
Global crisis. Search. look – This already applies to everyone. International online conference 07/24/2021. I really want everyone who cares about the future to wake up. there is an exit. you need to build a CREATIVE SOCIETY.
Good video.
Great show ??