Carnival Glory collision
stranded ships
ship fire
ship sinking
ship desaster
I am a lover of Titanic and ships of the time! (living in Altamira-Pará Brazil) I created this channel with the intention of agglomerating several people to the same tastes. My intent on this channel is to recreate third party content in a different way with a unique dynamic
Eu sou um amante do Titanic e navios da época! (morando em Altamira-Pará Brasil) Criei este canal com a intenção de aglomerar várias pessoas para os mesmos gostos. Minha intenção nesse canal é recriar um conteúdo de terceiros de uma forma diferenciada tendo uma dinâmica única
INSTAGRAM OFFICIAL: https://www.instagram.com/x_marcostitanic/
All I can say is, Oh my God Oh my God lalalalalala
Cue women screaming ….. always helpful!!!!
The first one isn’t a disaster…. It’s just really poor seamanship… from ALL the participants!
I have a question- On a container ship, are containers down in the hull or are they only carried on deck? Seriously, I do not know.
Hey Marcos Titanic it's the Philippines ship that sink in Manila or Quezon that's the safety+first liner FERRY
Some of these vids seem to be ships in line to be decommissioned and destroyed. Right?
“But the ship can’t sink”
“She’s made of iron sir, I assure you she can, and will”
Mostly cgi. Stupid.
Why do people feel the need to scream?
Who ever the pilot was on the last one needs a new job!
I’m sure all that yelling and screaming really helped when the ferry turned over! Must have saved lives by screaming!
The ships horn like OM
Capitano Sketino ?
Halahalahalahala Stoooop!
Go help them and 3:30 who build that one?
The part at 1:34 I was like "bruh"
2:28 You have seen this child – sad and happy at the same time that nothing happened to him. what part of the world did this accident come from
I LITERALLY was just gonna comment "safety first" but I see that it's already been the top comment. AWESOME ??. I SWEAR …. You seriously cannot POSSIBLY make up real life man. Holy Shit, lmmfao!
Shipping inbox
Absolutely terrifying! Those brave seamen. Just cannot imagine being in seas like that.
The oceans seem to be like big monsters and can easily destroy a ship at any given time.
Who the hell are driving this ships,
In the beginning don’t you love how the people pop out going wtf just happened
5:00 I guess, the almighty dollar, is more important than the planet. Fucking incredible……………..
1:30 , Safety First, takes on a whole new meaning. Jesus Christ, WTF…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2:12 bunch of chickens
Da li ja to vidim ploveći. grad ili nešto ostalo
You know this something that I don't understand these damn bolts have all of the ocean they need to get around in…what I want to know is why do they run in to one another this is the stupidest thing I ever seen and they call them self's captains…captains of what it damn sure ant't no bolt like the so call captain that sunk the Titanic and he call himself a captain…wow this is just something that I don't understand at all.
Hello hello hello is not what those passengers wanna here
1:28 2:46 well it caught in Cebu when that ferry capsized
Philippines Ferry is sinking
All that ocean and they still fk it up.
Die Werbung mit der ollen in der Wanne ????nur peinlich…
So ein Fake ?
Thats one expensive & long Month in Drydock for the Cruise Ship . Good part is , Refit Contractors get some fine eating 3 times a day. ??
I'm filipino this 1:28 crash is from camotes island
I don't care how big the ship is, it's still just a cork in the sea. The power of water is downright scary.
Coming in hot! Way too hot.???
Of all the ocean available…they still manged to crash into one another..?