![Baby Quokkas are the Cutest Animals in the World [PART 1] ? Best Compilation](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Baby-Quokkas-are-the-Cutest-Animals-in-the-World-PART-818x490.jpg)
Quokka babies will make your heart melt! The best quokka baby compilation video that ever exists. Full of quokka cuteness and happiness.
We talk about how quokka babies are born, quokka facts, how the mother feeds the baby quokka, even a few quokka selfies in there. How long the quokka lives in the mothers pouch. How the dad takes care of the baby quokka. How many babies quokkas can have a year and in the their lifetime.
Filmed with The Happiest Animals in the World – The Quokkas on Rottnest Island in Western Australia.
Check out Quokkas Throw Their Babies At Predators To Defend Themselves?
More official quokka smiles. Follow ► http://www.instagram.com/quokkahub
Get your Quokka Merch! Quokka t-shirts, tank-tops, quokka pillows, quokka phone cases, quokka towels, quokka backpacks coming soon!
How to take quokka selfies. The Best Quokka Selfie Article:
Location: Rottnest Island, Western Australia
Quokka Merch – Official Quokka Shop: http://www.quokkas.co
Quokka T-shirts ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-t-shirt-sunrise-crew-neck-unisex
Quokka Pillows ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-smile-throw-pillow-case-square
Quokka Pillows V2 ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-bright-smile-throw-pillow-case
Quokka iPhone Cases ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-iphone-case-interactive-liquid-glitter
Quokka Samsung Cases ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-samsung-phone-case
Quokka Poster Prints ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-smile-bright-poster
Quokka Cups ►: https://quokkas.co/products/colorful-quokka-smile-mug-2020
Quokka Tote Bags ►: https://quokkas.co/products/quokka-hug-tote-bag
For daily Quokka smiles follow the official quokka socials!
Tweets by quokkahub
GET A COPY OF MY HAPPY QUOKKA BOOK—-Quokka photo book available on Amazon Japan—- https://www.amazon.com/HAPPY-QUOKKAS-ALLAN-DIXON_QUOKKA-SELFIES_%E3%80%90%E8%B3%BC%E5%85%A5%E7%89%B9%E5%85%B8%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%E3%80%91/dp/4865180761
Follow Daxon’s journey on social media!
Tweets by daxon
Omg they are so cuteeeeeee!!!!
3:45 Nah, that’s just white people culture mate, my grandma would cry if I thought about moving out! (soo forbidden)?
Awwwwww 🙂 Their cuteness is definitely of value.
I hate a father who does nothing
Quokkas throw their babies to their predators tho??? Like why don't they hop away? They are not so cute anymore to me…well they are….but I don't like that they throw their babies at their predators
how about sugar gliders?
So all in favor of culling every cat in Australia to protect every Quokka in existance.
Quokka looks like an Adorable Sewer Rat…
God is amazing ?
Cuteness is probably a good evolutionary trait for many animals in this century.
So, am I the only one that wants a Quokka? They are so adorable.
Fun fact : Quokkas throw their babies at predators to escape cuz they can always make another one .
İts so sweet
Very cute makes perfect sense.
It’s like kangaroo
dont the mothers drop the babies if they think theyre in danger
I have a quaca
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa
12 to17
Amazing. Knowledge for me.
Awwww Han jisung so cute
They must not extinct they are soo cute and friendly ?
How do you not make them scared and run away oh my gosh
Don’t quokkas yeet their babies at predators if they are in trouble or something
bruh everything is literally quokkas and OMG my the sub button has a quokkas on it, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
5:30 between his father leaving and his mother handing him over to the predators he's gonna need a lot of therapy later
Any Quokkamoleys
The quokkas are cute but this guy is so annoying… had to ??
Guy: So cute!
Inside quokka head: hehe fud asmr mukbang chawenj
Kwokkas dad is getting milk too
2:30 I kept rewinding that because it was adorable and funny