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Fails of the Week Ep. 250 – Dota 2
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#fotw #dota2
Tiny is always too hard for his enemy 🙂
I've been watching this channel for I dont know how long, and I still dont know who the voices are! I mean the low voice sounds like Sunsfan (also because he is named sometimes), and the high voice sounds like SirActionSlacks, but now I dont really know exactly.. because NeilFails appears on the intro vids… but I said once in your videos that the voice I hear sounds exactly like the guy in the Dota TIs, who turned out to be called SirActionSlacks.
sunsfan i want to see yo face reaction during that intro
erm… I need an explaination for that techies clip
turn off the child sugeesstions.
i think youtube doesent know im a child
First clip and I already beat my face with palm from that SFM. Damnit Neal…
There you go void won the arcana.
lol 250 hey Hi
Yay my replay here! Thank You for kind words guys, love your show and SFM's!
Sorry but there is too much commentary, distracting and confusing, couldn't reach 2 mins. Take it as constructive feedback.
loved it!! ?
not good
Sad n horny
i don't know what to feel anymore after those changing sfm moods.. ???
not a fan of the sfm
I miss reeves
That tiny Masterb*ting ?
So Dire was dicking around waiting for LC to abandon, and somehow during all that time, none of them decided to save for buyback?
Вот эти вставки между моментами, просто наитупейшие. Либо их проматывать, либо не смотреть нахрен совсем эти видео.
Im here for Neil
D first clip means they got jebaited by a TINY, literally xD.
Niel best animations ever!
Oh come on my awesome clip can’t get in but some random techies bug can?
this used to be a good channel
Wtf Sunset that conclusion
Neil needs to go to Horny Jail
This was probably the worst episode ever
3:04 “There’s no way they could possibly win. We’ve never seen a game like this.
Miracle~: I’ve got a bubble maker.
Jesus christ
I only came here for the SFM
this is not funny and the commentary is full of soy
Even the first one with tiny … doing things: how would that even wor DON'T ANSWER THAT
This was uninteresting
Ffs. At last!!!
I like slacks, but can you get reaves for 1 episode? i miss him
Neil is the best
Best. Episode. Ever.