Flooding decimates Tennessee, at least 21 dead

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More than 17 inches of rain fell in a matter of hours over the weekend. One family said they were trapped in their attic for hours before they were rescued.


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About the Author: ABC News


  1. I think that "Climate Change" is a cover-up for damage caused by old, unrepaired, failing infrastructure. False claim is that people cause catastrophes like fires and floods when actually government crooks steal the public money and don't maintain forests, roads, bridges, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, etc.

  2. Be of good cheer America. Everyone that died and all the property that was destroyed were WASP-Skinned-QrumpiKKKlan [WSQ], anti-science, anti-vaccines, anti-N95 masks, anti-allowing all Democrats their right to vote, anti-global-warming; anti-abortion, Satan worshipers. Which is what God wanted to happen.

  3. These Republican counties brought this on themselves. They declined federal assistance to make preparations to mitigate flooding. And guess what…. These counties don't even have building codes! That's because all government is bad right? Thanks Republicans once again!

  4. but were people wearing there masks? cause remember that's more important in the world. … With the governmental made freeze in texas and now this flood, these weather patterns are being created by man. no its not global warming crap . our own Gov has been creating weather patterns for years taught from china.

  5. The Deepstate Criminals are creating distractions,divert everyone's attention off of what's most important,the forensic election audits,the criminals will do anything to hide the truth about the stolen election.

  6. It's such a shame that the emergency broadcast system couldn't have been used during the Tennessee flooding crisis! MSM has blocked all EBS announcements! how many lives might have been saved?

  7. We got to put in thought of all the Hurricanes, rain and flooding in US Southern Eastern part maybe the beginning of our prediction of that area will be part of the Ocean real soon. It has been 2 months since 1rst Storms AND ITS CONSTANT OF THE FLOODS AND RAIN AWAY FROM COASTLINE of inner States. Even Europe has those predicted areas of being under water in near future. Im starting to believe it is the beginning of the end over there in SouthEast America and real estate and property value will be targeted more in midwest and west Coast. If you live in SE States and own a home, its best SELL NOW because the value will be of no value in near future or decrease dramatically at end of year.. .

  8. This is so sad, here in Los Angeles we can't get rain, and there it's taking away lives, can't imagine the sorrow for all those families affected, god be with you, and please I do not care to engage on a climate change argument, it is what it is.

  9. This sounds like fake news as I have yet to see a local politician on the ground confirm this story. We do not trust experts and the news we trust politicians…. we will never let them take out freedoms.

  10. My apologies for all that have been a part of this situation.

    Maybe not something people think about, especially in certain areas, but having life vests on hand for precautionary measures. Could save lives in situations such as this.

    Gratitude within your path.

    God Bless,

    John German

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