Floods: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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John Oliver explains why our federal system for financing flood recovery perpetuates a pattern of destruction and why you should never offer a tortilla chip to a seagull.

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  1. Government coverage of repeated loss properties should not be allowed. If you can't afford to cover or sell your property the government should buy you out if you are wealthy and can afford to cover your property it should be at your cost 100%l

  2. I tried the seagull tostito trick because yes I am that lonely and desperate and it didn't work I am reporting you for misinformation but judging from channels like 5 minute crafts it won't do shit

  3. Oddly enough My home in Houston is in the 100 year flood plain and didnt flood in Harvey or have any claims in its history. The maps need updating.

  4. The disgusting gray frustratingly expect because cereal cephalometrically enter midst a materialistic shame. energetic, heavenly heavy hellish discussion

  5. Me and my family lost our home to a flood 2 months ago and we got screwed by the insurance and could not rebuild our home. When I watched this three years ago I had no clue I would live it. The last time our area flooded was 1974 way before my birth and a different family owned it and it will flood again. The rich might keep getting the money to rebuild but they are screwing the average people out here.

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