15 Times Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent

15 Times Animals Messed With The WRONG Opponent!
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If you ever thought your life was tough, well you should take a look at these angry animals! Yep, life in the animal kingdom is brutal, and everyday creatures are forced to defend their lives by all means necessary! It’s a game of survival, where the winner survives to see another day, and the loser… well the loser pays the highest cost of all! Yep, the stakes have never been higher! From an aggressive octopus with a point to prove, to big cats wrestling with giant bears, these are the 15 Times Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent

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About the Author: Admin


  1. I seriously doubt those quills were penetrating the snakes body from the inside out. The more logical explanation is that the snake struck and the wrapped itself around the animal hence obtaining the quills as souvenirs.

  2. I've seen a honey badger tangle with a cobra- and even though he gets bitten multiple times- he manages to kill the snake, and then he lays down for about an hour really sick from the bites he sustained in the fight- but when he wakes up, he shakes it off and eats the cobra for breakfast. It's a video I watched somewhere- pretty sure it was right here on YouTube.

  3. Any animal, no matter how big and intimidating knows instinctively that felines are on the top of the food chain.
    It's a primordial fear and it keeps them from fucking with both tigers and lions.

  4. bears are starting to come in human habits and other animals are because youmans are taking there's dear Lord Jesus did not attend this

  5. LOL ? NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO PISS OFF A ROOSTER ? especially when there are hens w/ eggs ?! I’ve got some nasty scars on my legs from some of the roosters that we had growing up. Not fun trying to out run ?‍♀️ them. Now I just stick to my hens for the fresh eggs ?.

  6. Why on earth do people call the ground the floor. Talk about screwing up the English language.
    You also don't know the difference between a steer and a bull.

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