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Que bonitos son❤️
They so cute and playful puppies now that they feel safe
Animals r better than Human..
Did someone find them and just take a photo and leave them?
Comment peut-on être aussi odieux pauvres petits ❤️ ❤️, heureusement qu'une bonne âme les a secourus ??
A desumanidade é enorme,colocarem numa caixa ao lado do contentor do lixo ,dois cãezinhos,como se de lixo se tratasse,é revoltante
So sad ? ??????????
How can people be so cruel. They should be dumped in a deep hole with no way out to see what these two little sweeties had to face with no one to help them. Thank you for rescuing them. Thank God there are humans who have kindness in their hearts.
Thank you
Calm down, aunt angel arrived
Disgraceful hunans who did this, more than just karma will get you
Mimi is such a trooper!
Poor little ones were trembling in fear at first. It was great to see them happy and playing with Mimi later, even if Mimi wasn't interested. ??
I am so happy for all the dogs you saved ❤…you are just like angels who live in Ukraine and love all animals…we don't even know your name ?
Mimi is so understanding.
So cute!! Beautiful puppies!! That woman had such gentle hands. Perfect.
Whoever owns this puppy may you rest in peace ..you wull suffer bancruptcy ,sickness stupid
I enjoy watching your videos.
Great job. I love these babies ?
Thanks so much for saving this sweet little ? ? Bless U ?!!Hope they Will have a good and happy life in their new forever home with much ? and good care ?!!They neef good people who ?Them and take good care ? of this ? ?.The 1 who left Them alone at the trash van must be punished ? ?!!Prayers for this sweet little ??? Marco.
Took two minutes to make my eyes wet…
did the person who dumped them took a photo?
You are doing a good job
2 rescates mas: ya les buscaran un hogar digno de ellos
How people can abandon such a cute puppies.
Bless ? your heart ❤ for saving them. Thank you ❤ ? ? ? ☺
Those two looks as they were in the crate in the car was like were so at the mercy of you “saving lady”.
I know you live in a country where poverty is endemic but you can be poor and kid. Cruelty whatever the circumstances is not acceptable. Thankyou for rescuing them both.
God bless you Didi lots of respect from India
Very Very sweet ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank God for the rescuer to save the pups. It all about helping and giving the love that good animals deserves…much love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️