We’ve all had those moments when we think to ourselves: What could go wrong? And then EVERYTHING goes wrong, but you didn’t get it on video! Well today we’ve compiled for you the most Insane Life’s Unexpected Moments caught on camera.
Enjoy watching, and don’t forget to tap the bell!
That toilet flush was nightmare fuel.
crane operator most likely did go to college, thats where idiots come from.
2:43 look more convincing than the other
3:37 – anybody noticed those two lucky drivers??
The dog takin a shit got a real laugh outa me. He needs to be sent to the white house
I didn't know that you learn in college how to be a professional crane operator.
2:15 kakyioyin nightmeres
Someone actually turned that giraffe into a mod?!??????
Thank you so much for your invaluable information, highly appreciate it, keep it up the outstanding job, have a great day.
2021 and cellphone makers can't make a phone that records properly other than when held sideways….
that once we were in a elevator my mum forgot to press the button and we were in there for five mins then mum said oops i forgot to press the button i thought we were stuck
Great vids, but why does the narrator talk like he‘s taking a ?
7:21 ? this is discusting
6:29, I know kung fu
Although that white bird at 6:28 is a heron, it's commonly called an Egret to differentiate it from it's heron cousins, such as the Great Blue Heron, both of which we have here in Florida. Egrets are quick hunters in their own right; I saw one in my front yard snatch a Black Racer snake off the ground, toss it into the air so that it came down head first, then caught it by the head in it's beak. It ate the four foot snake in about two minutes, while it was still alive. Egrets and herons are some cool ass birds.
Average College grad wage… 10-18 dollars an hour…. Cran Operator… 60-120 dollars an hour…. – Drop out of college kids… Dont be a Corporate slave.. — PS… That isnt the Cran operators fault.. that is the Spotters fault… just sayin.. (he gets paid 20 – 35 bucks an hour…)
They release a bear and then surround it. Are they stupid
The most unexpected day of my life was June 12th 1994.
That was the day two cops made the mistake of pepper spraying me.
And it was the most unexpected day of their lives because they had to undergo emergency Orchiectomy from where I hit them in the testicles with a tire iron.
The model and cub, I see the the supposed urine coming from different angle especially at the end, as if it is coming from his belly!! but rather from the other side not from the center of the belly, probably her patron, a sportsman with money and little brain and have much time, squeezing a bottle behind the scene. Look at the angle of the squirt.
6:25 The eagle click-baiting the Heron who gave "dislike" the scene giving neck down and unsubscribe from Life channel
Unwatchable with sound. Please stop talking
Russians:price of cake bruh
0:53 how much did this happen?
Thant fucking monkey would be so dead
That bear idea was pretty stupid
How can you watch this with this kind of commentary?
0:21 complacency will kill you.
3:55 dog be like “I’ve been trying to reach you regarding your vehicles extended warranty.”
me gusto
Godless filthy lying crook.
The roof being blown off, wow
Someone holds a lion cub. "Shes Russian"
Someone knocks over a building. "They're Russian"
??????Hmm Great Love to 35 Life's Unexpected Moments – ???? ?? ..???
That woman punched him in the balls on purpose.
Eyoooo frog inside toilet if he live in austrailla he found sbakes
That eagle part with kungfu got my like and comment! lol.
I want that football dog.. we would be going crazy
The model seemed to be enjoying the golden shower.
What kind of fish attact the little shark.
Bad dog
So many of these videos are 1 second from being on Liveleak instead of YouTube
That dude that drank that guys girls drink, would have got his ass beat.