Welcome back to Cities Skylines Natural Disasters! There are no natural disasters in this episode, only man made ones in the form of traffic fuckery.
►Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterPetard
Cities Skylines Natural Disasters on Steam – http://store.steampowered.com/app/515191/
Natural Disasters features a catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere, including planning with early warning systems and emergency routes, devastating and destructive disaster effects, and caring for the populace as they struggle to rebuild. The expansion will also update Cities: Skylines with a new scenario editor and gameplay mode, allowing players to finally win – or lose – the game on their own terms.
►Powdered Food of the gods: http://bit.ly/JoylentPetard
►T-shirts & stuff: http://bit.ly/MerchPetard
►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iampetard
Natural Disasters will include:
Deep, Impactful Gameplay: Keep your city going through the devastation of several possible doomsday scenarios, from towering infernos to the day the sky exploded
With Great Power Comes Great Response Abilities: Plan for, and respond to, disasters using early warning systems, countermeasures, and new disaster responses such as helicopters and evacuations – finally, a Paradox game where “Comet Sighted” actually means something
An Objectively Good Feature: Scenario Mode – Natural Disasters expansion includes 5 pre-made scenarios to challenge disaster masters, with custom game objectives such as starting cities, win conditions, time limits, losing conditions and more! The Natural Disasters Scenarios expands on the Scenario Editor, which is a free update for all players that allows them to create and share their own custom made scenarios
Chirpocalypse Now: Heck yeah, new hats for Chirper
Radio Saved the Video Game: A new broadcast network is introduced, helping to rapidly spread evacuation warnings and emergency alerts
►Website: http://bit.ly/Petardiadotcom
►Streaming: http://bit.ly/TwitchPetard
►Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookPetard
►Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterPetard
►Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramPetard
►Subreddit – http://bit.ly/RedditPetardia
►CDkeys Game Store: http://bit.ly/CDkeysPetard
►GoG Game Store – http://bit.ly/GoGPetard
►GreenManGaming Game Store: http://bit.ly/GMGPetard
►GameFanShop Game Store: http://bit.ly/GFSPetard (Code „Petard“ for up to 30% discount)
Outro “The Wanderer” by Shurk – https://soundcloud.com/shirkofficial/the-wanderer
Guys, can u change the time in game? I tried mod Time Warp but it's not work
Where those all traffic lights around the bus area? o.o
Fukken crop circles, man
Click all the buttons? I clicked the dislike button. Am I doing it right, my lord?
Dude need a way to get ahold of u. Got 10$ for your patreon but want to know what's up with that tier. Says u will put my name/site/channel link in the description. Is that every video or a one time thing? Just removed 10$ I was backing on someone else but they are making shit videos and are backed with like 1100$ u deserve my 10 more!
You could've just removed the red road connecting to the roundabout, that is literally what's causing that problem.
your content is great good sir, thank you for what you do! sending you beard kisses my man
love cities skylines, keep it up
Finally a Business loop with exits at major roads, about time, lol
My lord Swiss cheese or Pepper jack?
Hey Petard! What's your setup my Lord?
you laid back sense of humor is fantastic lmao
Oh you dont need to tell me twice to follow you everywhere 😉
I love you daddy
Love the cities skylines vids
greetings from Argentina, my lord
can you give us a hint on what your gonna build on the next fallout 4 craftardia?
Just you look like my gangsta grandma!!!
This is the second part of the stream I did a while ago, cut about 3 hours into 10 minutes, thats how exciting it was! The game always had a nice way of assaulting my butt with as many cars and roads as possible at once.
My lord how are you