Live Rescue: Worst Accidents, Best Rescues (Part 2) | A&E

Live Rescue: Worst Accidents, Best Rescues (Part 2) | A&E
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Check out this compilation of some of the worst accidents caught on Live Rescue, including a man with a serious face injury, plus more. #LiveRescue
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“Live Rescue” follows firefighters, paramedics and EMTs from across the country as they bravely put their lives on the line responding to emergency rescue calls. Emmy® Award-winner Matt Iseman joins “Live Rescue” with impressive media and medical credentials.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. That wasn’t a drunk woman in California. It was a him that identified as a drunk and a broken tree. Only in California! Where the left wing dingle balls are Democrats ?

  2. "Who's our president?"
    "…Do I have to say? Because he's a terrible person."
    "Okay, I know who you're talking about."
    long pause
    "Is he NOT a terrible person?!"

  3. My dad used to work EMSA while active duty back before I was born and for a while when I a wee bab. He’s always saying how most calls either consisted of elderly folk needing a little bit of help (or just someone to talk to), or drunken antics. The patients most dispatch and first responders have for other people is beyond wild. Dude with the last lady is honestly amazing to me, I kinda wanted to deck her haha. And that he just kept any opinion on the issue to himself made me so happy. Idc about your political options/ affiliations, please stop talking about them ;w;

  4. The wasted lady who says “he’s a horrible person” lmfao ?- she is clearly the epitome of an upstanding responsible person Bahahaha- she is THE authority on who’s good and bad ???

  5. 3 of those calls weren't an emergency. Looked more like the first 2 were after pain killers… that makes me mad as there's more important people who need an abundance that could be life threatening. They took those 2 because you gotta pay for the hospital treatment id say… bloody drug addicts…

  6. Poor lady ☹️ ‘Who’s the president?’ She says ‘He is a horrible person’ kept on about Trump. The look on the concerned paramedic..‘Should not have brought that up’ he too agrees deep down, but not said. I have seen 3 so far on programs of people hurt, depressed, injured or mentally unstable. That are Trump Traumatized. So sad it is. What has he done to ….oh I can’t find the words. I just sigh.

  7. I had a problem with my eye swelling up near shut and I’m in the hospital my eye lids constantly twitching because of the swelling against it and they acted like I was dumb for wanting a patch over it to help keep it shut . The first met reminded me of it and how they should’ve been lol

  8. It’s funny how that chick was saying how bad Trump is but I can guarantee she couldn’t come up with one legitimate bad thing he has done ?

  9. It seems like that woman was infected with a terrible disease called liberalism. Absolutely terrible terrible disease. Would never wish this disease on my worst enemy. Very very contagious and dangerous.

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