Its Monday which means its time for Boat Fails of the Week brought to you by Haulover Inlet!
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Check out this classic episode featuring an adventurous Russian boat rental company… https://youtu.be/pGjrSkYmun8
Read our article on the operating the excavator tasked with freeing the Evergiven from the Suez Canal
Meet the Excavator Driver who worked 21 hours a day to unblock the Suez Canal
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00:00 Get this man a knife! @_hoverboardking
00:18 Expensive fail! @ready4yeshua
00:28 When the trailer fights back @egates1116
00:44 Anchors away! @willyespinosa_
00:52 Chad and Brad power! @sarah.vanwaardenburg
01:04 A 3 hour tour @The Handy Hunter
01:33 Trade it in on Monday! @matt.mitjans
01:47 Finding a use for abandoned boats 🙁 @jared coleman
02:05 Impeller has left the chat @captaintowboat
02:24 Why bother? @christian_delorenzo @ohhellojoe
02:33 Missed the inlet by “this much” @david pennington Recovery pics from Darryl Williams
03:17 Could sail around the globe, but can’t make it through a channel @simpsonsinthesouth
03:31 Sea trials with @usainboat.tv
03:55 Its just a scratch! Classic clip! @whineonv
04:31 MEMES
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#boatfails #epic #sinking
What is the song in the video at 0:46?
Some folks just don't have the right "mindset" to be boaters ! As soon as you take possession of any boat, you have to think "prevention " a smart boater knows all the things that can go wrong, and makes certain they don't !
Thems desert folk
Sunk the skee and truck what lol ? I
Need more water…
Wow wee I barely put the rear tyres in the tide. People putting there hole wagon in there!!?
These people are the reason Biden became leader of USA. Plenty of morons with money but absolutely no brains.
We know why RIB craft have the inflated collar around the boat's gunwales, how about a boater's special suburban with a RIB collar around the mid waist of the vehicle so when the vehicle is backed down too far it will float.
How do these people forget to pull up their anchor?
You only sink once
0:50 I'll admit I had to watch it twice to tell what was going on lol.
soundtrack ridiculous as usual !
If I ever become rich and wreck my yacht I'm getting on here to see if anyone got a video
Good footage, the dry boat and bike, looks they plan to have a little quit time on the boat, no worry about sea sickness, or getting wet.
The best part the didn’t have wait to launch or have a boat ramp mishap.
I looked all over the internet and i can not find the boat school run by DUM & DUMMER (the 2$ special ) that's the only place some of the people on hear have learnt to drive a boat
you have to give it to those guys at 0:53 they had the boat pointed at the right direction..lol
Nothing funnier than landlubbers playing at sailor.
The second one with the bridge well I made it at low tide WTF now it's high tide what happened!!!???
:22 Did he just blow the horn? Like the bridge was going to move or open up? back up back up was just a little late….LOL
Is everyone in Florida stupid?
Who are the idiots laughing