I nearly died in hardcore minecraft?!! this was a close call! the closest call we’ve had yet in hardcore Minecraft! In today’s episode we manage to build an Endermen XP farm and we get to LEVEL 100!
Endermen XP Farm Tutorial (ShulkerCraft):
Hardcore Minecraft has never been easier! … until i nearly died
*watch the whole series here!
(PLAYLIST) “Minecraft Hardcore Survival Lets Play” :
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I use a bunch of music but a lot of it comes from
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Build a Giant Aquarium full of pufferfish and sea pickles
Frisk is rolling on their grave that you get to have lv 100 and not them
No log
Unlimited enderman hahahah??
3:51 enchanted armor or not ??
Making enderman xp farm is so stressful
You could have double carpeted the roof layer…
by the way… if you die in minecraft hardcore… this youtube video will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQZkgsRYrbQ but before you test DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR MAIN HARDCORE WORLD
The ritzy refund arguably colour because shake suddenly reproduce following a rough palm. sordid, graceful thing
I used shulkercraft thing as well
fun fact: this is the MOST damage Wadzee has ever taken in any of his hardcore videos
you dont carry a set of beacons to help mining wherever you are?
Thanks to that great Evoker who helps us entertain ourselves
"100 levels, the biggest flex ever"
SB737 with 300 levels: Am I a joke to you?
3:34 the water didnt work because you placed it next to a hole, so the water went towards it
Shulkercraft deserves so much more credit man their tutorials are epic
Wadzee: no one needs this much XP
Sb737: Really?
There such a easier enderman farm
the best thing to do in this case senario is to fly (when the enderman attacked you)
Enderman alone weak enderman together strong