NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE: “I DIED from a Peanut”. Death & Meaning in the Afterlife w/ Christopher Kito

NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE: “I DIED from a Peanut”. Death & Meaning in the Afterlife w/ Christopher Kito
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Chris Kito went into anaphylactic shock from a food allergy and it led him into a life changing Near-Death Experience.

Chris’s near-death experience changed his life.

This is his story, and this is his Passion.

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  1. Very much enjoyed the entire presentation – the opportunity to empathetically feel through the unravelling from the moment before to the present moment was, even among these kinds of narratives, very interesting and enjoyable. Mr. Kito's generosity is very much in evidence. As always, Louisa, your respect for and encouragement of your guests is deeply appreciated.

  2. Thank you, Luisa and Chris! So moved by Chris's determination that if he helps even one person by sharing his story it matters enough. Also his sharing of how tough the interior life journey can be. Compassionate! And clear that however challenging his journey into consciousness informs his existence. Wonderful. Helpful. Connecting.❤?

  3. Chris's story is amazing! I've never really thought to hard on the bad effects of an nde? I will from now on. Thanks Chris for sharing?Good to see you're safe and sound from your travels Luisa?
    Patiently waiting for Luisa tv??

  4. I would love to have heard about his conversations with his grandfathers in this world through mediumship and if they have helped him make sense of it all or helped guide him to sort this all out. That would have helped to bring it back full circle.

  5. NDE aside I think many of the problems Christopher experienced afterwards were due to him suffering from PTSD of the anaphylaxis which was incredibly traumatic on his body and mind. It's a pity he couldn't recognise the condition or even someone in his life realise that he was suffering and get him the help he needed to process it. Thank you Christopher and Luisa for this interview. ?

  6. Hi Luisa, you look fabulous as always! Christopher doesn't seem to believe in afterlife… That is kinda weird after having a near death experience.

  7. Lovely watching another nice interview Luisa, it's great to see you smiling again" I hope you're enjoying your holidays still…much love and light always to you and everyone namaste ?❤️ x

  8. Christopher is such a Blessing for us seeking Love Consciousness so that we can be practical and useful about it. Although it has been difficult for him he has integrated the Spiritual and the Earthly in his own unique way. Obviously, still a work in progress for him.. as for all of us. I love his thoughtful , relatable way of describing both the events leading up to his temporary crossing over, and his experience, which was essentially ineffable, on the other side. It is easy to see that his perspective will be a valuable one for many who are having awakenings of various kinds and degrees. Others have had more extensive NDE , going deeper into The Divine Quantum Field, but his experience shows us so clearly that we are here to Love on another on the most aware and pragmatic levels , and not to merely pursue a reductive materialistic life. And that is truly the lesson of a lifetime. Thank you Christopher and Luisa for sharing your Love, your Wisdom and indeed your Passion.

  9. Thanks for another valuable interview Luisa. I hope your adventure is going well. I am currently reading a book which has given me an idea about what may be required to heal your dragon. It will be interesting to see if that is what you arrive at intuitively.

    What you said near the end about asking yourself questions you don't know the answers to was excellent. That is the key to what I call Creative Guidance. It used to be a daily process for me asking multiple questions of my creative guidance, and receiving wonderful clues that helped me see the answers. When you do that time after time after time… you know that the Universe is an infinitely wise and loving parent.

  10. Was Christopher ever introduces to a personal relationship with God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) through Jesus Christ) & the Passion, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Is seems to me that placing his experience within this Life/Way would give deeper meaning, Placing it all on good soil (see parable of The Sewer Sewing Seeds, ie, the Word of God) gives grounding…& as strong foundation.
    Christopher shares insights that are wholly Christian…and needed for Americans today. I hope he comes to the point where he knows this message is beaded & is ready to share with all who have ears to hear & begin in an accelerated way to share this message as far as it can go.
    He has been given a precious gift. And you have the special gift of asking the pertinent questions That help the interviewee to clarify for self & the audience what is happening.
    Thank you again for your special work.

  11. Chuckling with recognition here. Chris goes through process after thought process in the descent to expiration. The way he describes it I can easily see myself doing the same. "No panic it may or may not be life threatening". This is valuable.
    So in his telling it emerges that his soul knew what was happening and arranged this event as a catalytic inflection point. This is revealed when he just enters the emergency department and the reaction from staff is that he is at the precipice between life or death. And one way or another, he designed the timing of this edge.
    Congratulations on a very effective shift.
    Now Chris's life pumps light to the world.
    We are winning.

    Many of the subscribers here do not need an event such as this, but yet yearn for a taste of home. If you persist in your dreamtime travels, it can be done. You wake up totally positive and invigorated.

    Heh, he looks so much like me and I have long conversations with ancestors during dreamtime.
    Thanks for the grin-worthy exposure to our dear brethren.
    These are great times.

  12. Thank you, Louisa, for interviewing Christopher Teeto. Many of us are “at home” with Christopher’s experience. He has learned that he is not alone. The wonderful lesson he learned is “We cannot take all these THINGS with us.”

  13. So, only 9 years ago and there's nothing more for the DOCTOR to do but apologize he couldn't save him? No emergency intubation or, whatever extreme measure to save him by whatever means…cutting into his breathing passage and inserting a tube so he could breath, i.e., a tracheatomy?Certainly NOT a recently discovered emergency technique to save someone's life. I don't get it! Maybe there is so much swelling that even a tracheatomy couldn't save him?

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