Times animals messed with the wrong opponent. Its survival of the fittest when it comes to the wild. Many lions need to hunt their prey to get by and continue to live, but what happens when the lion attacks the Zebra and the Zebra stops the Lion? Many instances like this are shown in our video and sometimes this will make animals think twice before messing with the wrong animal.
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"You can never underestimate a mother's love… shows that she never played around when it comes to her children."
Movies: "this movie is based on a true story"
Also movies:
in the chicken and snake one, half of the babies she was protecting were ducklings.
Versus, not verse. They are two different words.
Never give up… Never!
Good story line. Horrible photo / video shopping and mixing
Loin – I Get Dinner
Buffalo – Take This
Loin – Weee Finally I Fly
Disliked! you are treating the predators as not worth of living and have no families, just because the prey is weaker doesn't mean we should feel empathy for it, and remember there are a factor of hundred more buffalo's more than llions and we should feel sad when a failed lion hunt happens not happy.
OMG the chimps were savages ? poor raccoon!
That raccoon tho. ???
Show the video, put the background music and be quiet. You will get more likes this way.
Lion was an inch away from being impaled
Hey rabbits dont have motherly love characters. It's a scientific truth
0:31 that is not a buffalo that is ox/bull
I just love watching video's where the music is so loud that you can barely hear the speaker. Please keep doing that.
where’s the male lion running up the tree????????????????????????
The music annoying
That giraffe was moving!
Mama Rabbit was ruthless!!
A flying racoon hahahaha ??
Poor bunny fought her best. Even if she didnt survive the snack bite,she died with honor!
Talk about Buffalo n show Indian Gaur???
This could have been an interesting video if not for the ridiculous voiceover.
This is so satisfying to watch
Wow that rabbit meant business!
100 comment ? Nice video ??
Buffaloes surprisingly didn't feel like eating that day . Chilled group lol
This clip is noisy. Thumbs down
Awesome !!!
it’s so funny rabbits vs snake and it’s so nice to see this video on YouTube
I love the giraffe ? ?❣️
It is so much fun ???❣️
Good vid thanks:)
Bro why would leave that other chick behind in 3:27
2nd comment
I swear
Sorry…but the thumbnail says bts..
Song name plz?
9:06 Rocket and The Winter Soldier in Avengers Infinity War ???