#Amazing Animals Survival #Amazing monkey #monkey
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_g9Ub2hv1Vn6NnMHTmtKKA
Link Video: https://youtu.be/T3lGtx82ViA
Die Die!!! Baby Daniela need urgently Rescues from Stupid Dee Dee,
Dear all beloved viewers!!!
Amazing Animals Survival is a huge gallery that your can find many monkey videos living in Angkor Dynasty.Our channel upload New Videos every day showing Al the activities of monkey such as baby newborn, baby lost mom, baby angry mom, mom feeding milk baby, baby crying, baby hungry, mom bite baby….etc.
Pq quem Ta filmando não tira os filhotes das garras do macaco ?
The reason why the mother is running is because shes nervous. If y'all would have backed off the baby would have lived. The mother is terrified someone is gonna to snatch the baby. When she starts running just back off a little and let her calm down.
Kill kill
She is killing that baby.
Que mãe mais agressiva do mundo e o filho mais mal educado BR??????
Good to big monkey
Perhaps he is a bad boy and mother think that it deserves a punishment
Baby monkey adorable is crying help me ,
Is Killing me !??????
Very nice ????????❤️
please kill baby monkey
@4:22 nothing to see here. Just chilling with my hand on my hip.
Mungki baby cry cry hsst shsst khsst khsst. Muther mungki kick push, baby mungki eek eek, skweek skweek! Human watcher fun fun!! Aao aao yow yow! Yiutube video like like, cameraman stop stop baby mungki inside out, blud spirt! Rip tear mame bite gnash! All likes have fun! Clap clap. Finally mungki baby stamp phut all inside fly out! Yay yay yay!
Itu anak monyet nya kasian bego lu semua malah senang
That monkey (guessing the mom) was going to kill the poor baby and all those guys there just recording and didn't do anything to help the poor baby, shame
Yo ass gonna listen ?
Humans would not leave them alone Jeez!
Sincermente num suporto filhotes de macaco o choro deles me irrita se eu pego um desse eu colo a boca dessa peste com cola antes de cola enfio um monte de pimenta depois eu colo depois mato na pancada mas parece que essa peste já não existe mais teve as tripas arrancada que coisa boa
Poor baby..
Los que graban , no pueden auxiliar lo?
Страшно осознавать что и среди людей есть такое же поведение