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Merci ❤ pour touts milles fous respect a vous tous ,encore de bonne personnes dans se monde de cruauté. Énorme bisous à se magnifique toutou. ❤ ??????
Wow. Thanks to you they are out! She will be stronger every day. ❤
Poor little angel. God bless you Takis. ?❤️???
all my love for this little girl ???
Se è piccina.:-)
Go away nasty worms ,leave our baby alone xx
Bless you Takis glad the worms all look dead and now the Puppy will get stronger *All animals need to be wormed it has to be medicine for that animal and it's size.
Understand how he fells. It is so bad to bad in stumik.
Poor Beby ?
An epsom salt bath will help her feel better and calm
No more worms ? came out !
Puppy is looking a little better. ❤️?
Many many years ago when I was a child, my grandpa's dog had those pesky intestinal tape worms. His dog wouldn't eat, but he put a raw globe of meat on the floor in front of the dogs snout and the worms slowly can up and out, was gross but worked till he could get professional help.
God is working through you dear Takis ???
One kitten I rescued , took him to the vet and he got dewormer. Had him in the bathroom quarantined. Went in to use the toilet and the kitten, about 8 weeks old, went poop and pooped out two giant tapeworms, at least a foot in length each!!! Omg I was so grossed out. So disgusting.
Thanks Guys for saving cute puppy And Guys your help and support is very important and beautiful?????????????????????
It's unbelievable that there are such long and horrible worms in this small puppy, but with your help and care Mr. Takis he will be soon well again. Thank you all the best to you??
Hallo takis eine Frage hätte ich an dich ! Sind die anderen Hunde von dem kleinen Welpen auch gerettet worden ??
I got kitty that was sick like that puppy these worrms will kill them. These worrms are hard on them my kitty was 1 month old went I got her she only wight 1 pound. She was really sick.that puppy was lucky have gotten she was. She should make a full recovery now.
She is looking better today. I'm glad she is being looked after.
Grasias padre celestial por darle mucha pasiensia I mucho ❤️ a tu servio takis ?✨?✨?✨?✨?✨??✨?✨
Yes the poor darling may not survive the vigors of a full wash yet.
Thank you Takis for all you do … and for sooo many. Bless your service to animals. ?
It's not disgusting, it's occasion to learn! Thank you!❤️
Petit amour ! Mais que deviendraient ces amours sans Takis?❤️❤️❤️
Forty minute ad on this video. I hope it helps you dear Takis. God bless you. ?
Oh what a cutie, I am very very interested to adopt her, when she is healthy again, thanks 10000 times, Takis,
Don’t worry Takis for showing the worms. It’s reality and you are teaching people how to take good care of their animals. This puppy needs a special name. I can’t wait to see her get stronger and stronger. Well done Takis. Thank you!
He fights poor baby! But he will make it Takis take care of him! Is so heartbreaking to see it.!name him fighter!
Just so sad. Little one to have to go through this. I'm grateful sweet baby is w you.
I am looking forward to the bath. That will be nice ?
This one is going to be a real lover. ?
So much tks to you ..you're such a good and kind men Takis
Ahw Takis still sad to see him so weak??he barely can stay up ..maybe putting him in a warm soft blanket and intraveinous ..
Coitadinha, ia morrer com tantas lombrigas, desidratada, suja, mas graças a Deus foi resgatada. Agora será cuidada, tratada, alimentada e amada por todos vocês, e que Deus continue abençoando, protegendo e dando condições financeiras e psicológica para que continuem com essa luta árdua, cansativa e triste que é esse trabalho de vocês e de todos os que Deus enviou para esse planeta Terra, tão desumano e cruel. O meu mais profundo respeito, amor e carinho a todos. ????????????????
Well done dear amazing Takis! She is so adorable and cute!??????????????Thank you for all you do!???????
I hope to see her well so ?✌ CALI?