Explore the differences between weather and climate – what they are, how we predict them, and what those predictions can tell us.
From 2016 to 2019, the world saw record-breaking heat waves, rampant wildfires, and the longest run of category 5 tropical cyclones on record. The number of extreme weather events has been increasing for the last 40 years, and current predictions suggest that trend will continue. So, is the increase in extreme weather due to random chance, or changing climate? R. Saravanan investigates.
Lesson by R. Saravanan, directed by Hype CG.
Animator’s website: https://www.hype.cg/ and https://www.luisacopetti.com/
Educator’s website: https://r.saravanan.us/
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View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/is-the-weather-becoming-more-extreme-r-saravanan
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The people can and will work together, but we all know it's next to meaningless unless we can figure out a way to cut our biggest causes of emissions. Big Elite and Big Corp will constantly work against us.
11months ago and I’m here to answer your question.
YES, extreme weather is becoming more extreme and is happening NOW. In different parts of the Globe.
Nice animation, but it did not answer the question: Has the number of severe weather events incresed and are events more severe?
This didn't discuss the "Is the weather actually becoming more extreme?" question at all. It just stated it as a fact. Will anyone discuss points like "Have we proven it or are we better at recording?", "Is it increasing or do we just hear about it more?" or "are hurricanes more destructive or are cities different now?"(more expensive to repair? harder to escape?) I want to know why we are so sure that the last forty years have been more extreme, not just told once again "scientists say yes". Also "chaotic" does not mean extreme here rather more random and unpredictable.
Weather is one thing, Climate is another thing
"wildfires in california and australia"
wildfires in riau be like: ?
ohh wait I forgot, white countries only support another white countries
kub valo video
Legitimately, Ted-ed will go "The world will end in a year" with like the worlds most calming voice I've ever heard XD
someone else from zoom?
roblox is nice
🙂 is so good
1 degrees celcius being released into the air is like shaggy using 1 percent of his power
not pog
Heatwave: * is getting deadlier and more extreme *
People Who don't care or don't believe in climate change: This Is Fine…
Work together….
Seems that's the biggest hurdle, getting people to work together. People will even recklessly spread a virus and wipe out their own loved ones. Is there any hope for getting enough people working together? I'm not sure anymore…
Here's an interesting idea for a video: "Can YOU solve climate change?" Talk about how much climate impact a private individual has vs a corporation or an industry
We need to start saving Earth! There’s no Earth 2!
One word: YES. (I'm really into weather and meteorology)
Solution: Terraform Mars
Lets move to earth 2.0
Important, look here:
Hey can you release your sources for this information? I wanna do independent research on this topic
Aquí todos nos vemos raros con l cascarilla ,nomás que es nuestra salvación al covib
I am in my last 5 minutes for my test, and I am trying my best breach eeeehhehehe
Hi guys! if u love the environment, please use Ecosia as your search engine. For every 45 searches u make, a tree will be planted somewhere. if you think this is fake, u can always look at their channel in youtube. Also stay safe guys 🙂
Who is here because of online classes
Ted-Ed: we need to help the climate
Government and companies: I’ll f*cking do it again!
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i have a theory which came from the movie moana, its as long as we benefit from underground mining, we will encounter worse and worse natural disasters!
Mother's True Nature
So the nuclear power plant could be the reason or one of the biggest factors?
How do they animate these videos?
The California Drought was man made by not pricing water right not climate change and the California fires were made worse by not controlling burns and not letting logging companies in to clear the dead logs
No, but we became aware of what happens round the world instantly, this was not possible in the past.
I so love the animation, and the paper-crumpled effect
The Amazon forest fire was more of a man-made thing
25 years ago I talked with a botanist who lived on Thunder Bay. He told me about the change in flora he'd been monitoring over ten years and detailed them. I knew then it was real.
It’s only going to get worst
Very good video and short enough for those that are doubtful of climate change. I just disagree with the hopeful ending. It only helps to keep us complacent. We are stealing our children’s futures, and needed immediate change yesterday.
I feel like ted ed is a little tired of repeating the news al gore gave to us in 2005
wildfires in california and australia.. and brazil and Argentina and congo and siberia etc. etc etc…
Cough The "record temperatures" are BS, because entries from the 19th and 20th centuries were 86'd for no valid reason. Death Valley recorded several days over 130 in the 1900s, up to 137°. These perfectly reliable records from government sources which were accepted as fact at the time have been retroactively removed because they did not fit the narrative.