From a scary paranormal encounter in a hotel that’s believed to be haunted to a possible ghost attack caught on camera, WARNING! These are scary paranormal encounters caught on camera. #Scary #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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6. carlosruizoficiall https://www.tiktok.com/@carlosruizoficiall/video/6992790899474451718
carlosruizoficiall https://www.tiktok.com/@carlosruizoficiall/video/6993097303510813958
5. (SCARY) Night With The Nightmare Man | The Mysterious Case Of Room 313 | E2 Slasher Season | 4K https://youtu.be/2TWt3-1pQ6A
4. Maxine Hughes
3. Wistman sighting https://youtu.be/0A7FAMG0yEw
2. LA LLORONA Vigilante de seguridad la graba /real/video viral https://youtu.be/PvEayLpeUAg
1. Lamb and Lion pub
Gathering Darkness by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
submissions @ hammedia . net
The black floating mass, I have seen one just like that a few years ago. I was finishing a session of scrying with my mirror. And then I felt like something was falling towards me. I looked up and this black mass floating in the air started coming towards me. I instinctively ducked. When I looked up, it floated away from me and disappeared before hitting the wall. This all happened during the day and inside my house. Maybe it showed up because I called it’s attention when I was doing scrying and I could have gone into a light trance. But I had finished and wasn’t in a trance when I saw it. Then I saw it again the next day, also during the day in Walmart of all places! I ducked again and when I looked up, it had disappeared. When I looked around, a guy standing a few isles from me was staring at my direction, I think he saw it too.
Because I’m a medium, I could have called the attention of this black mass when I was scrying. But the fact that it came for me in high velocity, gives a very bad feeling!
19 50 looks like a reaper with scythe.
That pub in York… you can’t show it more clearly that it’s just a dust caught in spider web… it’s even turning ?
That pub in York… you can’t show it more clearly that it’s just a dust caught in spider web… it’s even turning ?
That’s her for real. ? WTF!
A stubborn skeptic will always just say CGI like everyone has Hollywood abilities and has nothing better to do than make fake videos. I know there's a lot of very well done fakes out there but come on… Is everything a fake? Everyone a liar??? Use your noggins. We don't know, see, hear and or feel every possible thing out there. Anyway, great video SH! Cheers
Maxine called a priest who can’t cast any unclean spirits aka devils out of any person or any home they call on false saints and have not the Holy Spirit in dwelling to protect and to cast out these devils
Slap ham is Peter Parker who gained weight
Bruh …?
The most chilling thing about this entire video is at 12:06 – the assault rifle laying around for two kids to pick up and play with.
Kid! Get out of the pub! Your to young to drink! ?? Lol ?
Demons are very real and appear as children ,loved ones, animals , shadow people and black masses . Aliens are demons as well. Great videos Hammy!
The last one looks like someone mopping the floor
But did the lad find the dog?
When he went to the receptionist..okay, what are they gonna do…..
The gym is a hoax, the pulled leg gives it away
The last looked like a child sweeping the floor.
11:58 @dawniebabe65 like the video I caught on the ring app
It looks like the little girl is sweeping the floor, perhaps she used to work there?
Colombia doesn’t have the technology to fake that first video.
Ppl should leave an not mess round with spirit's as who knows what could happen RIP
That first video creeps me out man
Please I'm still down here, why won't anyone help me? LOL am I the only one who heard that during the subscribe to the channel add before the last video?
The first video went on too long, how many times did you have to show it?
Jordan is a ghost, hahaha, or a Vampire. Lol
The first clip of the man in the gym looks real to me. His actions seem real, it would your reaction would be, he even left his stuff behind.
I fully believe that most, if not all cases of sleep paralysis (especially the cases where you see something) are caused by demons like an incubus or a succubus.
Looks like a person mopping
The last video looks like the grim reaper sheath if that's what it's called.
I just watch first video on another channel with super funny narration. Now I'm laughing instead of feeling scared! (2:36) Madafaka I'm gone, I'm gone! ?