Despite standing as one of modern China’s most iconic mega projects, Shanghai Tower has been plagued with challenges. Discover how one of the world’s tallest and most important skyscrapers failed. For more by The B1M subscribe now – http://ow.ly/GxW7y
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Narrated by Fred Mills. Additional footage and images courtesy of Carlos Barria, Adrian Smith, Gensler Design, Shen Zhonghai, Blackstation and Connie Zhou.
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I think this building was the building two guys did a crane climb. The video has to have at least 25M views. They got in overnight, climbed to the top and climbed the crane. They got some amazing views looking down at the clouds and the other buildings. Has anyone seen the crane climbing video I’m taking about?
Because China numba won, obviously
Beautiful building, to bad it’s located in a crap hole country.
Skip to 00:57
I wonder how many other skyscrapers have been absolute failures after they were built, I know the Empire state building had the same issues
Living HIGH in the air, 100 percent death rish in an emergency, STUPID internal spaces, even if you give me one floor free of charge also I DONT WANT
I have a few models of that tower at the side in a kitchen drawer.
The Chinese government is gross.
They wanted it to be energy efficient but racked up a billion dollars in losses
who cares about these ugly towers? i dont see anyone booking holidays to visit them… and not even the chinesse use it? next fail by tHe pApEr dRagon aka china
It failed – because it's in Shanghai.
Communism puffing up its chest again and failing
Trying too hard to show off but in reality, it is not that good.
motherfu**er looks like it's gonna fall over… "I'll pass on renting": The World.
If you go all the way to the top you can capture the C flag
“2nd tallest tower in the world”
PNB merdeka tower: am i a joke to you?
It failed because they used Communist made materials, and it was built by Communist Chinese Tradesmen. NO PRIDE in their work ethics.
You can’t afford to build one so shut up and go away……
Why are you saying tower like that? Tow-hwa.
It's Tow-er.
It amazes me in countries with so much land why they still need to build upwards!
Great engineering, but poor usability, ugly design, and too expensive. That's my thought about the ST.
I have been here and seen these buildings.
I never liked the tower.
THe WFC next to it is, in my view, just about the best looking skyscraper of all time. It would look perhaps even better if it had been left as designed but I never tire of its beauty.
From what I understand (please feel free to correct me!) China has a policy of the state controlling the economy – obviously, since they're a communist country!- and they rely on massive building projects to expand.
The basic premise is that demand for land will only increase as the population grows, while new land is very hard to make. I think that China sees real estate as a "safe" long-term investment and has inflated prices, particularly in comercial properties, luxury accommodation, etc.
The technical term for this is a property bubble.
as with all bubbles, the bigger it gets, the more of a mess it makes when it bursts.
I'm also unclear about what appears to be a move back towards more "hands on" government, with reduced personal freedom and increasing milatarism.
I am politically neutral towards China, and the numerous areas in which the country excells are amply demonstrated by Chinese economic and geopolitical expansion. I'd only show my own ignorance if I said that the Chinese didn't know what they were doing, but if I had a country, I'd do things differently.
I know what the problem is. If you look under it you will see a little sticker that says “made in China “
It failed because the wrong people were in charge should have given it all the Canada would have had it built properly to code and everything and would have cut costs and would have been engineered by far better engineers
This is look like a potato peeler
Shanghai looks amazing. The part where the city was displayed in comparison to how it was years ago seemed unbelievable at first. Stunning.
Sell it for scrap and start over, with less hubris this time.
Who would want to work in those monstrosities?
Raping the Earth, for nothing!!!
So much for Chinese superiority!
Over accentuation is over annoying
China always failed in executions big plan but failed in executing financially impractical non calculated over enthusiastic
those buildings should be destroyed!
6.5k chinese try to pass another failure firewall of them to press dislike button. LMAO
commies ruin everything
What a marvel of deception. A monumental distraction, from what's really going on.
Skyscrappers destroy social fabric of cities and really strain the infrasructure in any case… There is a reason there are so few skyscrapers in the EU, New Zealand, etc. Of course, they have their place in HK & Singapore, given how little land these entities have.
No one wants to step foot in a communist dystopia, who knew!
"myriads of reasons" … hardly mentions 3
Remake it into a apartment building! How many Smal scale apartments would fit in that enormous building?
But muh communism
Well for once it costs 20€~ to get up there. (I was in the Financial center)
And when you are up there, the smog is so heavy, you actually can't see shit.
Luckely there is a picture up there, where you can see, what could've been seen.
this is the battle field map
Weired, almost ugly building. Can't focus on the shape. No symmetry that is known to common man. Answer is "no." There won't be another attempt at the world's tallest building, unless they fudge the definition and allow "towers" to be called "buildings." Highest usuable office or residential or commercial (like restaurant) space should detrmine the "height."
This is the ugliest I've ever seen. Looks like a lone nineteenth century steel plant chimney amid Shanghai's famous smog