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SKYFIRE Trailer (2021) Disaster, New Action Movie Trailers HD
© 2021 – Screen Media Films
Too much chinese interference in movies. Hollywood is done.
Its so long since i last hear Jason Isaacs actually talking British english, although this is more Australian english:):)
? https://vk.sv/A1lLAQ ?プSラEイXベート続き??
━p━o━r━n━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━s━e━x━━
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね5). .
#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)
#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾
Did they borrow the sets from Jurassic Park… ?
put allien in it. will make it perfect
I was looking for Fortnite live event leaks but damn this looks good
I will wait for the book.
What I want to know is who does their insurance? Build a resort on a volcano, with man eating dinosaurs etc.. who runs the numbers and says, ok?
0:29 Somehow remind me of a person on Pompeii with the famous last words "We all going to be fine.."
Donde vi eso así en Jurassic park
I see awards
Sänd skyfire på kanal 12
A jurasic park without dinosaurs
This reminds me a bit of the 1980 film called When Time Ran Out.
0:57 A variant of Mobius in another timeline.
0:57 Lokis Mobius in another timeline
I love ❤️ all of the natural disasters movies ?. Dude lol ?.
Is that a thumbnail from another movie??
Thumbnail: Geostorm ?
Movie: Skyfire ?
China is now exporting it s movies, this is so bad!
Now what, Hollywood is China! I don t want it, stop it!
Woah a jeep that jumps cliffs in reverse?!?!
Why do I get the feeling we saw all the best it’s of the movie in this trailer?
Looks like a SyFy movie gone rogue
Is this movie in English or in Chinese?
This movie needs a kaiju ??
Go China Go China Go!
This is an old movie, 2019.
Movies nowadays put way to much cgi or green screen effects with way to many bs stunts I hate it
The only thing I don’t like about this movie is the Hollywood unrealistic lava flow it does not even come close to moving that fast…but hey whatever you need to do to make money I guess
Another shitty china financed movie.
It's just Jurassic parc without the dinosaurs ! Corporate interest crushing logic and common sense in order to sell danger, sounds like what is going on in the White House are the moment !
Looks damn good
Worst idea ever
Hollywood is now bankrolled by the Chinese.. lol
Waiting for King Kong and Godzilla to throw down..
I liked this movie when it had Paul Newman in it, WHEN TIME RAN OUT
We seen this already when i we were kid. I forgot the name
build a resort on a volcano-what could possibly go wrong
Tired old script. Tired old Jason Issacs, whose career is sinking faster than the Titanic, and usual run of the mill cgi, which have been seen in all the other recent disaster movies!
? ?
They’ve edit jurrasic world. Remove the dinosaurs.
Pyro up the behind….yikes.???
And the thumbnail is Tsunami?
Is this just a remake of Irwin Allen's "When Time Ran Out"??
Why would anyone do that?
Kinda like the Chinese figured they were too late to compete with Dante's Peak and Volcano so they decided to throw in some Jurassic Park
I hope they have volcano erupting insurance