Crushing Crunchy & Soft Things by Car! Experiment: Car vs Coca Cola & Balloons!
In todays video my puppy drives a car over crunchy & soft things. Would you guys like to see more experiment videos with summer? Let us know in the comments below 🙂
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Hit that thumbs up button if you wanna see Summer crush more things 😉 New Life of Sammie & Summer videos every week! Subscribe 🙂
Follow Sammie & Summer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeofsammie7/?hl=en
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/amd0777
This is not funny (*)for this toys ??
Bad dog…how did you get 5 million subscribers..??
how many times did you have to wash your tires?! haha! so cute!
waste of money >:(
So,bad this ??
Dogs and puppies are so cute
I could imagine if something is in the football
It’s a waste but it’s SOOOO satisfying
Garib bache bhukha mar rahe hen ?? ? khilona v nai milta
OMG ur crazy
Oh I get my cute puppy from #Sandrabob# on instagram and I guess you will like to get too?she will get it deliver to you?
Ինչի էք ըտենց անում կարողա պետք ա գալի
Mmmnh lb
All waste of things
I get my puppy from #Sandrabob# on instagram and I hope you will like to get yours too?
Están malgastando la plata y uno acá queriendo todo eso
I like toothpastes one?
Waster you not the puppy
Bad Sammie
Ttb run ev yum
You are such a waste ther are kids that need food and water and toys to play with