A Texas man out on his morning walk came close to dying when he was suddenly attacked by two vicious pit bulls. Fortunately, he survived, thanks to some quick-acting neighbors who jumped into action and saved the man’s life. Surveillance video shows the off-leash dogs aggressively barking at the frightened 68-year-old man. He tried to back away, but the dogs lunged. He desperately tried to escape, but they knocked him to the ground and mauled him.
I like pitbulls but I would never own one now that I have kids. Numbers don't lie. They're dangerous animals.
All pit bulls need to be put down!
Pit bulls should not be legal to own. They bite far harder than any other 'breed' and they have been bred to fight and they can go crazy in an instant. You pit bull owners simply put your selfish indulgence ahead of other people's safety. Your pit bulls have that same dangerous streak, because they all do. Your pit bulls may kill your elderly neighbor, or the kids across the street. In fact, pit bulls attack and kill their owners, on occasion.
Them dam pit bulls would got some heat?
It should be a crime to breed pit bulls. They don’t belong.
God bless the Good Samaritan neighbors. Praying for this mans full recovery. Also, what happened to the dogs? I hope they were put down.
And people wonder why we carry guns . You never kno what type of threat or where it may come from . Always be prepared .
Stop claiming dogs don’t harm people…
Owner of the dogs should go to prison.
There’s no way I wouldn’t have climbed that car
Ramsay Bolton does not like this video.
Hope the dog died
Shoot those dogs that the best you can do.
Can you please talk about the man filming all this watching that old uncle dying
Dogs should be killed. Owns should be publicly caned.
I'm sure a lot of people heard him or saw him on their house cameras and chose to mind their business which is sad
Never run away from dogs or walk away.
He should of put both of those dogs down right then and there.if it was a little kid it would half been over ..
Definitely fight dogs .
A cat wouldn't do that ??
The reason why I can't stand dogs. They killed a friend of mine as he walked home. Can't stand them at all.
devil dogs
Damn. Now you have to carry a gun just to walk to the car, or down the street or even in the park!! Damn shame!
The owners should be apprehended for leaving their wild dogs free to roam
Everyone says " It's all about how you train a pitbull" …but when you see sh** like this – this is why pitbulls continue to have such a bad reputation! This poor man will be mentally scorn for the rest of his life, and could you blame him??!!
This is exactly why I don’t f w any dog’s especially pitbulls and parakeets & giraffes ?
Now Animal rights people will defend this and tell society not to shoot them.
I hate the narrator's annoying voice
Thats why i never leave the house without my knife. I would have instantly carved their eyes out
I'm feel sorry for the victim,what if nobody notice him
Someone was teaching those dogs to fight. I hate people who train dogs to be aggressive
Thank Jesus, for these men and their Love for your children
keeping some dogs should require licensing.They should be put down.
None of the hero's even touched the injured man, thry should have sat next to him touched him on shoulder or just sat with him bt thru stood way back, WEIRD
Get on top of the car. They won't follow you up there.
Omg ? that’s insane.. I m so glad that these guys came as rescue. God bless them. There is no doubt that those dogs came to kill him….
I cannot explain the rage that I'm going through for this man. I hate pitbulls they're all vicious at heart unless trained and they can/do turn on you. I would have shot both of them without a doubt and still sue the owners to pieces.
Thanks so much for caring
Owners be like, don't worry he doesn't bite…
Na I would of stomps those dogs dead
i hope those dogs were put down
First let's not call all pitbull vicious and out for blood most of them kind hearted
Hosea 13:8 KJV — I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.
Next time get on top of the car !
Sad that the dogs were like that I've lost many of my dogs many of mine have just changed in a second and yeah??it's strange and sad and not good I feel sorry for the dogs and the man
Put the owner and the dogs down.
Those dogs need to be put down and the owner prosecuted and stop from owning any dogs in the future.
Just see the height difference. Don't you people think open firing on the dogs was overexertion?