Top 5 SCARIEST GHOST SIGHTINGS Caught On Camera 2016! (Ghost Sightings 2016)
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5:36 Listen
The last vid is defo real I've seen it for myself
I want to be added into the giveaway
I want to win
5:00 why exaggerate? "He ran up the stairs" where? He was clear enough before the filters ?
The 2nd ones been debunked already it was an ad or promotion or something for some company
I don't believe in ghosts I don't believe in psychics I don't believe in God I don't believe in Noah in the Bible etc etc etc just like I don't believe in the Boogeyman Bigfoot the Loch Ness Monster or Father Christmas come to think of that it's all made up off people to make our life a little bit more interesting that's all
The Ghost in blockbusters will have been looking for the film The Haunting
Ï would love to be Entered into your great GIVEAWAY X LOVE YOUR CHANNEL, Ï WATCH EVERYDAY X
1:30 "Is it real, or the acting of a mischievous child?" I'm not saying it's real, but that is some damn fine acting if not.
Man movie crazy
Research suggests that 97% of ghost sightings are merely card tricks.
2:14 bro just let the ghost work he’s probably just a employee that died a couple days ago or something.
thumbs down for hunting for subscribers… like hunting ghosts
I couldn’t see the young boy
once i was travelling to iceland. I am sleeping on the sofa at my aunt's house with my brother when my parents are chatting with my aunts. Suddenly i stood up and started dancing. The most important thing is that i have no idea that i am dancing. My mom even asked me who she is when i am dancing unconcious and i answered her question correctly. After that my mom immediately bring me into the car to bring me back to the hotel. And than i woke up in the car knowing nothing. But afteer i get into the car, my brother went missing. Theey searched the whole house and still couldnt find him. After that they saw him standing in the garden of the neighbour's house when theree is a supeeer dupeeer tall fence in between. When i reach the hotel i had a very serious fever. And thats all LOL : ) ( True Story )
i know its 2020 but i want to win lol
Black girl with a hot booty!
That beautiful girl in the black dress. Awesome thumbnail!
2019 anyone? 🙂
I want da money!