This is the story of Mama. She spent over a year living alone in the fields and orchards of a large rural area near Ducor California. It took 4 months of daily visits to finally rescue her. This video is our longest yet. But we promise it is worth your time. You will laugh. You will smile. And you will never forget the story of Mama.
There is a long list of names at the end of the video. Each and every one of them played a role in Mama’s eventual rescue. But we would like to single out Michelle Hart, Rosa Fritz, and Hiedi Light. They were Mama’s guardian angels for months prior to her rescue and provided so much support and assistance to A Safefurr Place.
Also, Saving Strays K9 Search And Rescue. Simply put, they made this rescue possible. If not for their help, Mama would still be roaming the farmlands outside Ducor.
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and ding the bell for notifications when new videos are posted! The more people subscribe and watch, the more homeless pets we can help!
A Safefurr Place email – info@asafefurrplace.com
A Safefurr Place website – http://asafefurrplace.com/
A Safefurr Place donations via PayPal – https://www.paypal.me/asafefurrplace
A Safefurr Place on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – @asafefurrplace
Adopt or Foster a dog here – https://www.adoptapet.com/a-safefurr-place-animal-rescue-inc/adoption-application/
#animalrescue #dogrescue #asafefurrplace
No praise would be enough for what you have done, Danny. But I will say you are a great person. God Bless!
Danny you are such a kind & patient man. God bless you & Mama.
Have seen several rescue vids and they are all wonderful examples of kindness but YOU my friend are a shining example of patience. Utterly inspiring.
I am a pretty patient person but feel totally inept and even guilty next to you. You are an incredible human being.
Awestruck respect ?
Muito bom legal parabéns pelo amor que você tem com os animais obrigada Deus abençoe
Did you check her puppies
Y los cachorros????
U guys are amazing!
No matter how bad humans treat dogs, they always forgive us..
I have no words ?
Spectacular Danny
He should still take her back to the orchard sometimes,that is what i do with a canine i found,because it knew every weed it could chew on SAFELY to help it,he should observe this and learn the names of the weeds,and those weeds which look similar,but do not help her.
People who abandon dogs are evil. Her face says it all when the noose is being secured.
You’re my hero Danny. Thank you.
Absolutely incredible. This is priceless. To have the patience & dedication of 15 months.
Thank you for sharing this.
That dog is now smiling.
Why so long
What saddens me and kinda makes me in tears….is to see 2300 people who for some reason DISLIKED this beautiful video !
does u rescue ever try to locate original owner as there are instances where dog get loose owners cant find them.
Wondering story Can we have an update into how beautiful mama and Danny are doing please?. I’d really love to see how they are together today ?????
Great work
How can this video have dislikes? Sad world we live in.
Wolf: I'm a ferocious animal I cannot be tamed
Human: give food
Wolf: I'm now a chihuahua
this is a wholesome video!!! i love it! I always comeback to these kinda videos after dealing with toxic social media
Probably the best video I have ever seen! Just incredible what this man has done here.
People can be so cruel..beautiful dog
the most natural way of befriending a dog.
Am staff I have one
There's a warm place in Heaven for people who care enough to do this.
I found a female pitbull in phoenix the same way
used as a bait dog for fighting then abandoned after having a litter
she was still lactating when I found her
someoone dumped her off in a field next to a big garbage heap
she has been a very sweet girl ever sense I brought her home
my wife absolutely loves her …….
damn mamas a good lookin dog
glad she got help
Ohhh how precious!!
What a beautiful dog did you see her eyes her fur gorgeous dog how could you and Danny GOD bless you bro good job
What is wrong with people?
This is what life is truely about..im a grown man with 4 girls and I m. So happy for mama
The furrrrrrst…lol
What an outstanding display of selflessness, patience and love. The world needs more Danny's! These type of videos restore my faith in humanity.
You r god for her buddy…. Well done….. U own my respect boy
Thank you so much
You sweet man! Thank you so much for rescuing this dog. Your kindness gives me hope.