An engineer’s family is in the direct path of danger after a massive tremor severely damages a Russian nuclear plant.
An engineer’s family is in the direct path of danger after a massive tremor severely damages a Russian nuclear plant.
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No bad here! i did like it for what it was.
Rescue them!
Save the city.
We must help him. rescue heroes to the rescue.
Needs more earthquake for movie with said title.
You look at soo many things in this movie and the first thing that pops out into your mind is how bad our society is now because people cannot figure things out. Young kids are absolutely horrible when it comes to figuring things out and if we just teach our kids the basic common sense things in life they will have such a greater advantage when they get older as adults.
Not too bad, for a rebuilt disaster movie. Typical sequences of many of the end of the world movies.
Keep your stuff straight. The black kid with the motorcycle had a yellow helmet then a green helmet then a yellow helmet again. LOL
33:34 – I shit you not! Those freeway collapse scenes were taken from the film Dauntes Peak with Pierce Brosnan.
Reference below: 2:50 mark
Okay, let's try to clear this up. The earthquake happened in Dagestan, shock waves reached Moscow, which means that the power plant should be located somewhere between Dagestan and Moscow. The girl rides a Ukrainian subway train to a power plant located in Russia
somewhere between Dagestan and Moscow. Have the filmmakers been banned from Google Earth?
Eight seconds in and "Nu Image". Sorry, got go floss my toes, or something.
The female lead is such a lousy actress
Okay, it was entertaining to watch, but apparently I watch too many disaster movies and can pick who lives, who dies and of course, who can be found at the last minute. Having said that, it was worth watching.
This was a nice change from the first "Earthquake" movie from the '70s.???
I used to have the collection of these wish I could find them again. Was nice to get to see this one at least. I love these
I can watch it over and over again..It showed me the power of love and what love can and will do when it is shown
I had seen this before, several years ago. Didn’t mind watching it again. ???
In this movie they are saying that one reactor melting down will have a radioactive cloud for many miles and millions will die so it stands to reason that when the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power station located in Japan blew up 3 reactors blew up and the 4th. was under routine maintenance so it did not blow up instead because of the earth quake superated the roof of the reactor letting the water that is used to keep the platinum fuel rods cool began to go through the superation and then emptying into the Pacific where to this day continues unabated in fact Japan unlike Russia where Russia with Chernobyl has addressed this disaster with a bandaid Japan has only ignored their disaster.
Oh come on, they used the scene from Dante's peak. That's kinda messed up
Earthquake are very dangerous where is no safe from ? quake in the city or where you live. This very scary when you feel the shake and the aftershocks. You can really get hurt and killed. There isn't no safe in the ? because of the
. Of the Earth quake. And you can don't stop it. Because it will happen in the morning or night. But really ?.
2.5 out of 5
First and foremost! SAVE. THE. DOG.
Surprisingly good!! ?
I only moderately regret watching this movie
Hmmmm. A strong female surrounded by a bunch of simps who promise not to fail 'her'. I love the blatant feminist spin on these goofy movies.
21:21 this is what happens when the father isn't around…
Just read all the comments. We must be gluttons for disaster movie punishments. Cuz we have lots of fun laffing at dialogue n bad special effects. Let's face it, we're a little addicted to junk.
"I think we're in big trouble now!" Nooo, what gave u that idea?!
@33.35 they used footage from Dantes Peak. Lol. Wondering how we went to russian cars to american so quick
Just so you know, the LA Lakers scored 101 and Trail Blazers scored 106 on tonight’s game….you’re welcome
fairly good disaster movie there are much worse ones
Great movie. I was at the edge of my seat for most of it. Even fell down a couple of times ??. Love that they reunited as a family in the end.
Some scenes from dante's peak ????
Let me guess. This is a Russian film produced in the Ukraine using captured Hungarian labor and stolen Polish scripts…………….RIGHT??? What a waste.
I'd seen it once before, and, now, again, it was good enough that I could still have fun watching it.
…..Did the Plant just roar like Manbearpig-?