The littlest slips of the tongue are sometimes worth the biggest laughs. YouTube mods, please don’t immediately ban us for this. From failure to count to astute anatomical observations, or just plain ol’ tattling on their parents, kids certainly are dumb along their way to becoming smart. And hey, we’ve finally got a compilation that’s safe for all ages. After this, direct your little ones over to: https://www.patreon.com/failarmy
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That was Amazing! Thank you! ?
The bandaid kid brought back some memories me and my brother when we were younger used to stick them on our faces and would run down to our mother and she would just laugh at the time we didn't get it but now its just a thing that me and my brother still laugh about today
From 1996-1999 my youngest cousin was being hilarious and I wish I recorded videos and even though I am only 35 (soon 36) I didn't know how cameras worked back then
All these beeps what are these kids saying
Why do you need to censure so much words… What a world.
To avoid experiencing this sorta stuff don't watch adult movies with ur kids around
1:35 that means she didn't hit you that hard. Shame on her.
People being bad parents, mostly.
I need some goofy.
It's so sad that they are soon gonna grow out of that age .
And hard to believe all of us were also once so innocent and adorable .
MAN !! . . “TIME SUCKS” , ?
Why are you beeping out these words for fucks sake
6:32, she is right tho. i cant understand why the teacher called her parents.
"Aww shit" had me rolling ?
5:31 King Arthur Syndrome.
4:22 This funny girl killed me. ?????
Title should be "bad parenting"
5:04 'You shouldn't put kids in headlocks'
"But it's the greatest thing ever!"
She is going to be a very normal girl.
Kids say the funniest things ? Well we will take your word for it as someone keeps bleeping them out
Funny vids but the ones with the kids cussing are pretty sad.
The bleeping is ridiculous. You do f@$# all to stop school shootings but you can't hear a rude word?
If thomas shelby has a daughter be like : 0:27
1:37 I’m a grown * woman so **
Wait a minute – am I the only one reacting to the girl saying «my mom just hit me»? ?
5:11 and 5:19 be like she is trying to joke with her Daddy and he is too innocent to get that.
fucking beeps!! why?
Its soo much better when they aren't being interviewed by a serial rapist.
Thought my kids only did this stuff. Thank goodness lol
I was thinking i was doing something wrong
The ruddy liquid proportionately hook because harmony unusually brush afore a chemical coin. repulsive, weak tub
If someone could find me the video of the kid saying "you're about to die" that'd be great
That girl at the end will be a crazy ex one day
Some of these parents need to be sterilized.
It's been I while that FA doesn't upload good videos, but this one, is just pure gold!
Really? In this day and age some idiot feels it necessary to silence the cuss words AND even censor the spellings in the captions?
That "I put a headlock down on him" kid made me spit coffee. It came out of my nose. Ahaha.
GIRL: This is not a mannequin, this is my husband.
Proceeds to choke mannequin. Classic. ???