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UPDATE ON CHARLOTTE AND PETITION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Un141ea5g
Farthing is a self centred ignorant tw*t… He had opportunities to get on a RAF plane ( his wife a Norwegian was evacuated early on). But no, he wanted his 200 dogs and cats airlifted out !.. whilst people stood up to their knees in sewage and 30deg heat waiting to board a plane ( some of whom were killed by that suicide bomber)… should have left him there
I can understand Mr. Farthing being annoyed that he wasn't able to leave when he wanted to, but if his workers were Afghans what would be his concern for them, are the Taliban going to execute them because they worked for an animal sanctuary?
I saw his picture in an article, about how the animals and staff were not being removed. I also read a piece that is now listed on fb as fake, that he is an ex usa soldier, and that the staff gave their seats to the animals. Thank you for clearing this up. The media has been lying to people for years, it's just now that we can get to the truth.
That's what the scum do , plant a seed , push a story , doesn't matter what the truth is . Job done . Your rebuttal will be all but pointless ,the damage has been done ,sad but true .
Pen Farthing is a hero, the government “leaders” are zeroes. Animals are not carpet bombing countries and selling children into slavery. Animals are not burning down cities and locking down populations with medical martial law. Some people behave as if there is only so much compassion to go around. There is enough for all living things. The fact that soldiers left before civilians shows me there is no longer honour amongst any branch of the governments nor their enforcers. Civilisation is circling the drain.
The West ran out of Afghanistan with it's tail between it's legs . The only one's who moved faster with huge wads of cash where most of the senior Government and Military officials .
Hi Granny! I have a question. How does one know when to use “whom” or “who” in a sentence?
Thank you for putting this all straight.
Sorry Granny but on this we clash, Pen Farthing is a narcissistic Pratt seeking publicity, the Daily Mail has covered his story every day to the point of causing a nationwide nauseating illness, he may not have used army aircraft but soldiers had to put these animals on that plane and Farthing didn’t get his staff out, I wonder how fast the Netflix film and book will be available, call me cyncal?
This makes me wonder why our many, many American 'DADDY WARBUCKS' businessmen didn't get their private jets and private airports and private pilots in gear to quickly clear out Afghanistan. They have many private airports all over the world along with the best planes and pilots on call 24/7.
Give me the cats and dogs and drop biden and pelosi in Afghanistan.
Humanity is responsible for thisF@#%king mess, not the animals. They are innocent victims. We are now importing 1500 possible terrorists!
Mr. Farthing is a hero !!!
Something funny is going on alright except it is not funny and it all began with a man named Biden in the city of Washington. I understand he has not taking calls from Boris.
By 2014 Obama implemented a system that resulted in thousands of visas being granted to loyal Afghans every year. The Trump administration undermined the program in 2017 resulting in an annual trickle of no more than a dozen visas a year. The backlog was the result. I don't know the details of why Afghans couldn't get visas for Britain. Especially since the govt knew for over a year that the Americans were leaving, thousands of Taliban prisoners were released and the hated, Western supported Afghan govt was no longer supported.
The animals should have been freed. But given the upcoming poverty and hunger, they wouldn't have survived long.
The extremely precious snow-flake response comes as no surprise to me. I doubt also that it would come as any surprise to a father who had to deal with the authorities and the sycophantic NGOs in dealing with saving their children from a terrible mother – false allegations – gossip – all taken as gospel when nothing good the guy does is appreciated for the good that it is.
And the media is outraged Noah packed his ark with animals.
I always am amazed how gov officials forget as soon as they get elected that they work for the people, even more so than a person working for a private company.
GOD BLESS HIM !!!! I have been following this story, and losing much sleep over it , as well as that of Charlotte Jones, the Tennessee woman who was also an animal rescuer in Afghanistan as well. Charlotte and her staff have been left behind to face the sub-human savages known as the taliban.
Our government has done this and I am SO UPSET !!!! Thank you for setting the record straight a b out this man !!
As we all know (if only from Granny’s grammar analyses of deportation orders) the British civil service is thoroughly infiltrated by anti-British Marxists and Islamists.
What happened here was the natural consequence of that.
If this isn’t fixed pretty soon by a thorough purging, this country is doomed.
I’m not holding my breath ☹️
It is all so very confounding. It seems that whatever we in the west thought we were, we are not.