It’s easy to forget just how dangerous the ocean can be, given all the Disney-fication of the underwater community with singing crustaceans and quirky sharks. But who really cares about that when you have some of the cutest and friendliest animals anywhere in the world? From the friendliest of all the rays to a surprisingly pleasant species of shark, here are the 15 Friendliest Sea Creatures Around the World!
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That's cute….LET ME PET
Just because they are not friendly toward humans…you shouldn't judge them just because of that. Because humans are asses and most animal aggression toward us have good reasons behind it.
I would love to swim with dolphins, that would be so fun!
What do you mean stingrays will kill you the first chance they get?! They don't attack people UNLESS THEY FEEL THREATENED!
i hate sharks but of they didny kill humans like me i would like them
It will kill you,,,,,,;with kindness
Idk about the Hammerhead bc there are many instances where they are known to be aggressive toward humans. There is even a video of a Hammerhead pursuing a kayaker for more than 10 minutes. I wouldn't recommend trying to make friends with one.
The otter
Title “ 15 Friendliest Sea Creatures” looks at picture girl crying because a stingray stung her
Friendly you say?
Then why does the stingray look like hes raping a crying woman in the thumbnail
The thumbnail made me laugh
ZWhy they kill orcas is because they keep them in a very small place
And sun fish
Pink Amazon dolphin
Thumbnail is awesome
But he can't come under my bed my bed is just a cushion on the floors
Dolphins? Pure?
Good joke!
When he said "they will kill you with kindness" i think the girl in thumbnail is dieing out of their kindness
Hey, I'm a friendly creature.
The accurate chime natively last because ikebana sporadically meddle since a private wallet. cute, round algebra
stingray in the thumbnail: ⁰?⁰
That boluga whale is adorable ohhhhhh
Awwwww the puppies of the ocean is so funny and cute
I love those dolphins there so cute I hope I get to see one in four months because I will be on a cruise ship in four months
Do you mean sea demons
I would deeply hope that I'd get along swimmingly with dolphins seeing as how they are my ALL TIME FAVORITEST animal, let alone sea creature that I could only dream of swimming with and befriending!!!!
That is so sweet it reminds me I'm going on a cruise ship in four months I'm so excited it is just not time my mom is super excited my sister is coming to my brothers will too and we will get to play in the water park ☺️
Aloha! We love that people come to Hawaii & get to see the Hawaiian Monk Seals, & Green Sea Turtles. However, make sure you never touch them, as that brings a $2000 fine and/or 30 days in jail…and lately officials are really enforcing this as Hawaii has been recently over run with visitors & there have been a handful of social media posts featuring all sorts of turtle/seal violations.??
It's a good thing manta rays are docile, or even friendly.
They are gigantic!!
Otters are known for being incredibly vicious. They attack in groups and have even been known to kill monkeys and crocodiles.
SeaWorld needs to end. Sorry I'm not sorry.
"Orcas are an ally. They don't kill us and we don't kill them"
then shows the (evil) SeaWorld/Marineland clips
Amazing juxtaposition…