Two project chicks fight over Facebook beef, while pulling hair, spitting and throwing shade. For more videos please like share subscribe and comment below.
Two project chicks fight over Facebook beef, while pulling hair, spitting and throwing shade. For more videos please like share subscribe and comment below.
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Whats wrong with these people?
Only there in that hood. These girls here would drink her for blood.
Chick in the background needs to shut the hell up in the beginning of video.Her voice is irritating as hell!!!
They was never friends . The bigger girl been waiting. Look at that girl face mane ?
What's the name of the song at the beginning
This not cool bruh…she clearly knew this girl couldn't do nothin with her man, sometimes a fight is already won before it starts mentally speaking. The lil woman won to me just for havin the heart to take that stuff.
facebook beef? you could NEVER get thsi much energy out of me over facebook. BLOCKT!!!
Big girl couldn't throw a straight jab for shit
Nope not fair
She got ha azz???
Over facebook….really? Just send a angry face and get over it tf.
Sorry af
Screaming MY BABY !!!MY BABY!!! Mother of the year.
The skinny 1 is cute.
The same as where you at
Va dont got to much covid
Weak ass fight
Best Friend or not you spit on me & i'll black out on you too !
She fighting
North point project in chicago that’s we’re I live?
Weak fight
I wouldn't waste my time
That was #trash they jumped in. If she's on top of her and you grab her hands off the #trash on top of her, y'all are #punkhos ??? Just Saying
Here’s a tip, if you like fighting, shave your head bald, you’ll win every “fight”.
This is sad.
My only thing is oh why are they fighting in the car ? can you have wait till she got out that’s like why she scared ,??
Camera girl need to stfu bc girl with the blue shirt did not spit on her the big girl was the one that was spitting
Ol gurl sound like Chris Tucker
Y’all whas bess frendz?
If it’s one time I wish I was bald…it’s in a fight.
This commentator sound like a preacher …. I know who you are
What I see is one bully and one person who really doesnt want to fight. Not one adult or friend to step in and say enough.
Nah my mama friend live in dat apartment complex that’s in Tennessee
She didn't have 2 spit on her smh wtf they in her car she needs to press charges they attacked her they jumped her wtf
….corny for all this extra shit before the video.