5 Natural Disasters Waiting To Happen
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There are plenty of imminent disasters waiting on the horizon, and with the way 2021 has been going, these events may just happen sooner rather than later. From Earthquakes to Volcanoes and so much more, here are five natural disasters that are simply waiting to happen.
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Climate change or new geophysical weapons?
No way do we deserve anything! Reject God reject life! All is corrupt, even the earth! Expect the worst!
Reminder: don't stay up all night worrying about things beyond your control. Instead, if you live in a place with a potential for an extreme disaster, do you best to have food, water, first aid and shelter to last you a few days or longer. It's post-disaster that might be harder to survive if you aren't ready for the immediate aftermath.
Or, do like me and move from the subduction zone threat of Washington to the very slow megadrought of Arizona. Slow motion disaster, baby!
"Unfortunately, it's not just the western United States that's in danger". Really??? Unfortunately???
They mentioned the Coronavirus when in fact if Pandemics could be measured on a Richter Scale Coronavirus, COVID-19, would hardly be a tremor.
Where are all the maps showing these places? And there are many mispronunciations too.
Does anybody know what movie The thumbnails from?
Coronavirus is caused by evil Democrats, Dr. FAUCI knew this virus before it came out from China.
Please forgive me but your content is typical American fearmongering fluff.
oh yer all those ppl move west wouldnt go anywhere trafic jams so bad would happen and ppl would be stuffed.
Jajaja! Ads talking on how to make money lots of it.
Money it already done.
Working is earning honestly, our skills and development improve day by day!
Ecclesiastes 5:12
The sleep of the worker is sweet, whether he eats little or much, but the abundance of the rich permits him no sleep.
Charlie Sheen?
Fear mongering at it's finest with false information added, Seattle, Olympia and Portland are in no danger whatsoever from a "devastating" tsunami, there's no evidence of past tsunami ever reaching those areas, the last big slip of the plate generated 9 point quake and the tsunami barely had enough energy to make it into the Puget Sound and where Portland is today, it was in 1710 I believe, Brian Atwater has the detailed paper, look him up.
All of these aren't if, but when
Very informative of the destructive forces we're surrounded by. Some of these I wasn't aware of. Honestly, I don't believe we're due a good event as humans. I mean, look at how condescending a lot of these comments are. This is why I don't raise an eyebrow when destruction does happen by nature. These same people would be in disbelief once the comfort of our homes is suddenly taken away forcefully. There's no real sense of fear since nothing besides ourselves has threatened us to even want to change much to stop destroying the only planet we have. I'm not even talking about Climate Change in this instance. We pollute, destroy, and manipulate the world for the sake of profit. Especially for our ever-growing demands and complacency. This planet has been too kind to us and that kindness is being abused.
Be afraid, be very afraid ?
dumb…. random… cobbled together BS…. nothing here is anymore likely than a plague or asteroid impact… or anything else… this video could have been 10,000 items long… just random assumptions click baited together
sorry but a tsunami would not reach Portland, an hour and a half drive from the water
The big Bang
Humans suck
Sooner than you think ?
Portland and Seattle?
No big loss there
NOT saying what your saying in this video is wrong. what I am saying, is 'Great. now all the gd small brains are gonna loose their shit again'. Sigh. Another run on all the phucking toilet paper. Also, its hard enough to get gd millennial to work as is, with them fearing Armageddon, they defiantly wont work for less than $1m a year and free Lamborghini's. were all PHUCKED, earthquakes or not.