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The one where the 2 little girls are sitting at the toddler table and the 1 is scared while the other little girl laughs at her but then the 2nd one freaks out when she turns around to see what was scaring the 1st one. I wish the mother would’ve walked over with the camera/phone she was taking the video with and got a shot of whatever it was that scared the 2 little ones.
Now the first one is really spooky. the 1 with the little girl sitting at the dinner table that says “that’s Billy’s dinner” the spooky thing is you said she sees something that ain’t there but your kinda wrong because she clearly sees something that is truly there that we can’t see. That one I’d love to see what she sees messing with the dinner plate. And in that one you can tell it’s not fake because there’s a part of her that is annoyed with whatever she sees
awww your doggy so cute
The baby monitor video the spirit baby seems to move a bit while watching the baby move around
That last video gave me the worst feeling especially with the 2nd girls screaming and crying, her loud laugh was also kinda creepy
In the second video with the baby, I didn’t notice the face looking at the baby. I saw a shadow like thing in the lower left corner and I thought that was what she was talking about.
Whoooooooooo honey get outta that damn house, and please bring some earplugs or something if the child starts screaming again cause that almost broke my ears through my headphones
Had a heart attack watching the third video
God, please protect me and everyone watching this video, I'm watching this for only entertainment purpose.
Amen <3
God bless everyone.
Oh my god the second little girl.. she litterally SCREAMED in terror…….
The second clip actually made me a little uncomfortable because I personally remember seeing different umm things when was a kid and looking back they were pretty creepy but it never made me scream just angry at "whatcha doing at my house in the middle of the night" but I can't even imagine what would make a kid scream the badly cause I feel like if I was there as a kid I would have screamed that way too
i personaly think that the last one was not a prank bc the counters were high so how would they be able to see the window? i dont know if im right but yeah
When she screamed I almost died
That Last Clip has to be one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed.
my theory is, The girl that started laughing sounded possed, like when she was "trying to scare her sister" with her faces she was making was off. once the little that got scared first ran off, the one that was laughing stopped as she snapped out of it. her laughs sounded evil and they came out of absolutely no-where and those faces she was making wasn't like a normal little kid would make.
I think the little girl was "possessed" because she looked in the same place over and over again while she was laughing and not seeing it, but once she snapped out of it she looked in the same spot and she had a deadly scream because she saw it because it wasn't possessing her anymore
The thing that makes me think the last one was a dark prank is because the parent did not even do anything about it but just continued recording it. I mean if i was a parent i would be shocked if my kids freaked out like that and would definitely check it out in case if theres a robber or a snake or idk anything really. Not particularly a ghost tho just parents instinct to protect the children. Shes basically kept asking what do you see and recording her reaction instead of turning of the camera, walk herself there and goddamn CHECK IT !
How does Hailey alaways look so happy
My niece used to see her grandfather from her dad side every night until another niece was born now that niece sees him ever night
The booger….. . . .
That scream scared me so much
The last one cant be a prank because the girl facing away from the kitchen would've seen it the first time she turned around. I legit hot scared only for the last one cause it's not there to calm those children it scared them.
Did anyone one else notice the shadowy figure in the bottom left side of the screen in the second video? That's weirder than the "baby face" in the crib….. which looks like it could be a doll.
I share that 3rd one all the time, it creeps me tf out! But that second one of you watch the left side of the screen you can see a shadow figure move. A larger figure.
Omg the last one got me
Omg I have something creepy that happened to me ok so I woke up in the middle of the night hearing footsteps btw I live with my mum bc I’m not an adult yet anyway so I heard footsteps and wen I woke up I sore my mum so I was like yeah and she didn’t say anything she was standing still tho so I got up and it was gone so I went back down and I closed my eyes I felt creeped out and I don’t get creeped out easily so I opened my eyes again it was still there so I got up again and it was gone now at this point I started to feel so creeped out that I didn’t want to stay in my room anymore so I got up and I went in my mothers bed ? btw ik that u go in ur mother’s bed when u r little but like that’s what I do when I’m scared lol ? I’m like a child ?
I saw the 3ed video before and when I did I also saw it, it as a spirit, I saw it when I was 5 and now I'm older and now it seems to not be visible to me