When Mark McDonough was a teen, a catastrophic fire claimed the lives of his mother and younger brother. It also left Mark with burns on over 65 percent of his body. During a long and painful recovery, his faltering faith in God was strengthened by a remarkable near-death experience. Inspired to pursue a career as a plastic surgeon to help those who suffer as he has, McDonough has overcome numerous other adversities on his journey, including addiction and a stroke. Now he shares his incredible true story of survival and perseverance to bring hope and healing to those dealing with great physical and emotional pain.
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the male interviewer is so rude, reading his next question and not looking at him or listening to this important message. They've asked him on the least they can do is look at and listen to the guy.
I interview Near Death Experiencers and have had two myself. Heaven is real.
I interview Near Death Experiencers and had two myself. Heaven is real.
Dear friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from calamities:
"F a l u n D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".
F a l u n D a f a is a spiritual self cultivation practice that is based on the principles of the Universe: 真 Truthfulness 善 Compassion 忍 Forbearance
It includes gentle exercises and meditation. Thanks to F a l u n D a f a, millions of people regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual fulfilment. Since the year 1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally persecuted by the CCP in China.
If a NDE transforms your life in a positive way, then that is great.
But the truth is that these experiences of calmness, white lights, tunnels etc are nothing more than the result of an oxygen-deprived brain.
"Raised in a Christian Catholic family". So of course he's going to believe that his NDE is anything but the result of oxygen deprivation.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't get over how awful your background set is. Your furniture is nice, but the walls look like jail cells or doors. I hope you change this to something more comforting for your guests who are re-experiencing their traumatic or strange ordeals. Sorry to be petty, but I found the set to be quite disturbing.
I am also a catholic. Thirty years ago I experienced Jesus too. He enveloped me with His incredible love which lasted for 9 days until I was let down back to normality. Words cannot describe the love of Jesus. He is so beautiful.
Listening to Dr. Mark was so heart warming. Just felt the reflection Jesus's in him through and through. Love and Blessings to you all for this amazing encounter ???????
What a fantastic person he is, God bless him
One man I can‘t believe. I don‘t mean to judge but he just looks dark on the inside to me.
Two of the best interviewers I have had the pleasure of watching. They didn't interrupt the guest and asked the right questions calmly and respectfully!! A great guest. Explained and shared his story perfectly.
Thank You!
Remarkable story. Thank you for sharing!! Btw, Does anyone else see Christian Bale here??
Do you guilty I first first I did not care if I live or die ever things were lining up then I had pnemounia and I had a cat scan I coded I chould hear everything nurse for for 10 min I was dead for ,10 min for 3 ribs broken but I felt addreneal and such a peace over me I did not want to go back God sent me back I new dec 15 2019 I was suppose to die I'm great ful for my life know
Why such things don't happen to those terrible politicians.
SUCH a lovely , warm and humble gentleman.
Should I ever require surgery , I pray that MY doctor could be even HALF as sensitive and empathetic . God bless ? . Polly☘️(Ireland)
God bless this guy
Earth ? must be Hell!
Death ☠️ and Destruction ? EVERYWHERE
Why would ANYONE leave Heaven ? to come here?
I’ve tried helping these Humans and lost All Faith ?
Psalm 118:17
I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.
2 Samuel 12:15-22
David prayed to God for the sick baby. David fasted and refused to get up or eat. On the seventh day the baby died. Then David went into the Lord’s house to worship. After that he ate. "But now that the baby is dead, I can’t bring him back to life. Someday I will go to him, but he cannot come back to me.”
Job 8:7
Although your beginnings were small, your future will be very great indeed.
Amazing Life story. I can imagine the sense of achievement he must have. Good for him really. I have a huge issue of not being able
To finish things. I have never had any type of support system. i see many things I'd love to do as being too much because I worry I will be able to start the work but it's so much that I know I won't be able to finish. So many things I wish to do in life, I wish I had the gift that makes them possible. I'm 31 I have 2 boys my youngest is autistic and my oldest I have in the weekends… I don't have a single friend in the world and no contact with the little family I have. I'm very aware of a sad reality where I'll never accomplish anything. Even my kids have to grow up with no exTended family. These are just the cards I was dealt
I felt the same way when I saw the light, twice . I was alive , healthy and wide awake. I was at a spiritual church , when it happened to me ❣️
PS first light brilliant orange .second light, the brilliant unbelievable white light
I felt like my spirit were out from body when I woke up from sleeping all night. As normal you wake and able to get up but I could not do it. I tried hard to make my body move I just couldn't. I felt the same me but I also my spirit was just abome my body. I was so terrified and so afraid coz what will happen if I could not go back to my body. Because I was at 40s married in 24 after I go to Mass each week so I knew God and Jesus as Catholic. I finally thought of God and the desire to get back to my body I got back. I haven't heard any NDE before so I had no idea I was out and in coma if I didn't tried harder to go back to my body.
will forte
Love it "Only God can write a story like that"… amen ?