We’re almost to 1000 subs on the Channel guys‼️All thank you you guys! I’m doing a $20, $40, & 60$ Give Away to show y’all love ?. To be entered: Comment, drop your IG & CASH APP NAME! that’s it! Winners will be picked this Saturday 5:00 pm Central Time ⏰. So look out for the video with the winners name and Check your cash app ❤️?. Thank y’all!! DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! ITS FREE TO SHOW SUPPORT! ?Enjoy the videos! ???
I’m tweaking out … who exactly hurt their leg ?? I keep on watching but can’t see anything
Time to call the amberlamps
i guess she cant say tat is only a hop, skip and a jump away. chile who really care about what happen.
i prey
Whoooo lost their leg though?
Man just let your dad get his papers ?
Omg, ladies, was he worth this? He has already moved on. What is wrong with my Queens??
Damn I really wanted to see the leg tho
This is precisely why I try hard not to live in the hood…
"Call the ambalan"??
wait did the one who hit the car run ??
Well she asked for it…
Worst thing about this is that it probably happened all behind nothing but a bunch of bullshit smh
They went after her 5 deep with whole ass hammers too fucking bad. If she would’ve got hit in the head with that she would’ve died. So what’s a leg to a life?
Damn….on cullwn??? I stay missing fights up there!!!!
hello 911, I need a nnunalnce…… Hillarious
Soufside where yaw at wit it
what did she expect chasing someone down with a hammer…self defense..case closed.
Dang, girl said you try to jump me, you’ll never jump again.
Wow…. scary
Ambulance ?
What the hell!!
I hope the leg was fake.
If they had weapons I would’ve done the same thing lmao
booty in the white shorts wins!
I can’t see it
Ok the kid running
That shit funny af
Shawty in the white shorts ??❤️
That’s sad
“When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong”
That ambalance tho
Ratchets to the fullest
"hello. I gotta call the amBulan"
Oh I saw the leg with the white shoe hanging out the car door ?
Damn I wanted to see the leg
Why call for help remember the cops r bad and ambulance too blm?? only when they need help the cops r ok??
If I saw someone do that ill kill em
LMAO she got what she deserve she tried to hit the other woman with a sledgehammer and they all tried to jump her I probably would have did the same thing if my life was in danger.
“ hello , umm call the ambalamns “ ?
They went looking for trouble ? got a car full dumped on they ass now considering having a change of ❤ ?
I wanna see the leg
Don't bring a hammer to a car fight. ?
So does this mean the trio is now 5 percenters. 6 legs now 5
So with one leg can the girl still jump some body else or would that be hop somebody?
We’re almost to 1000 subs on the Channel guys‼️All thank you you guys! I’m doing a $20, $40, & 60$ Give Away to show y’all love ?. To be entered: Comment, drop your IG & CASH APP NAME! that’s it! Winners will be picked this Saturday 5:00 pm Central Time ⏰. So look out for the video with the winners name and Check your cash app ❤️?. Thank y’all!! DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! ITS FREE TO SHOW SUPPORT! ?Enjoy the videos! ???
I’m tweaking out … who exactly hurt their leg ?? I keep on watching but can’t see anything
Time to call the amberlamps
i guess she cant say tat is only a hop, skip and a jump away. chile who really care about what happen.
i prey
Whoooo lost their leg though?
Man just let your dad get his papers ?
Omg, ladies, was he worth this? He has already moved on. What is wrong with my Queens??
Damn I really wanted to see the leg tho
This is precisely why I try hard not to live in the hood…
"Call the ambalan"??
wait did the one who hit the car run ??
Well she asked for it…
Worst thing about this is that it probably happened all behind nothing but a bunch of bullshit smh
They went after her 5 deep with whole ass hammers too fucking bad. If she would’ve got hit in the head with that she would’ve died. So what’s a leg to a life?
Damn….on cullwn??? I stay missing fights up there!!!!
hello 911, I need a nnunalnce…… Hillarious
Soufside where yaw at wit it
what did she expect chasing someone down with a hammer…self defense..case closed.
Dang, girl said you try to jump me, you’ll never jump again.
Wow…. scary
Ambulance ?
What the hell!!
I hope the leg was fake.
If they had weapons I would’ve done the same thing lmao
booty in the white shorts wins!
I can’t see it
Ok the kid running
That shit funny af
Shawty in the white shorts ??❤️
That’s sad
“When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong”
That ambalance tho
Ratchets to the fullest
"hello. I gotta call the amBulan"
Oh I saw the leg with the white shoe hanging out the car door ?
Damn I wanted to see the leg
Why call for help remember the cops r bad and ambulance too blm?? only when they need help the cops r ok??
If I saw someone do that ill kill em
LMAO she got what she deserve she tried to hit the other woman with a sledgehammer and they all tried to jump her I probably would have did the same thing if my life was in danger.
“ hello , umm call the ambalamns “ ?
They went looking for trouble ? got a car full dumped on they ass now considering having a change of ❤ ?
I wanna see the leg
Don't bring a hammer to a car fight. ?
So does this mean the trio is now 5 percenters. 6 legs now 5
So with one leg can the girl still jump some body else or would that be hop somebody?