#HopeForPaws rescue and save another voiceless mangy puppy from certain death. Meet PEARL, rescued by Amber of Amber’s Halfway Home in Tennessee and fostered by “never again foster,” Melissa Armstrong.
PEARL now has a permanent home!
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
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#WA2SFiilms #DogRescue
Help the World Animal Awareness Society save thousands of at risk dogs around the world. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and save more lives! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9ZPQCGKA7QXSY
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WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee
c. 2021 All Rights Reserved
Hire WA2S Films & Support Animal Rescue Around The World
http://www.WA2S.org/WA2S-Films 818.561.5109 Studio
Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: http://ridervo.com
Help Dog's Like PEARL! YouTube Creators around the world who love dogs created this fundraiser to the right and below this video! When you contribute any amount to this fundraiser, the dogs and the dog rescuers win. This fundraiser will support more than 200 dog rescue non profits that do not have access to the YouTube Giving platform. You can also add this fundraiser to one of your own videos and help us save more lives.
Thank you very much to all involved people for saving, helping and taking so good care of this cute, adorable and beautiful dog Pearl. I am so happy that Pearl already found a lovely forever home. Wish sweet Pearl and her family all the best, all the luck and many happy years together full with joy and love ❤️❤️??????????????
Hermosa Perla..Que bueno que encontró una bella persona que.la adoptara. Desde Boca del Río Veracruz México los saludo.
I need to start fostering and helping hurt and abandoned dogs in Chicago. I have contacted world awareness society to help!!!
Very happy for her! Wish her the best life!
I'd been trying to donate few times here on YouTube but it's diverted somewhere & it won't accept my Donations ?
Dogs are not properly. They are loving forgiving beautiful Souls. They are family,the backwards mindset needs to stop. Thank you for swooping up Pearl and giving her a sweet loving life. Sadly, there are millions of Pearls out there,and there should not be.
What an absolute sweetheart. I love how she lay across his shoulders in the car and looked over his shoulder while he was driving. ????????????
Lindos ????❤️✨.