why didn’t those black guys beating the cop not get shot
Bro everyone be fighting at McDonald’s son.
why woild you show a fight tbat didnt eveen happen like get good content you fukk face we wanna see fights not pussies if so wed be on ph
I notice alot of this fuckery happens at fast food places were ppl jus watch
See that's the thing with customers sometimes. They think since they are the customer, they are above the employee in some way. The problem is they forget that the employee is a human also. A human that can kick a little ass if they have to. The days of "the customer is always right" are gone. Now it's "Give resect to get respect."
Fatherless bastards exhibiting hyper-masculinity in our de-evolving society.
He got the McKnuckle
There's always one guy trying to break it up in 20 others filming it
Why is it to me that girl fights are better bc they are more intense and they actually fight but guy fights they just slap each other
Yo yt made me confirm like 8 times
This video ain't even crazy fucking most dumb video I've ever seen ?? definitely giving er a thumbs down x1000000000000000
this is crazy
Jerry Springer should take up residency in McDonalds.
The cop getting his ass handed to him is funny ass fuck
She wearing a thong to McDonald’s
I’m sorry but it is absolutely horrible to put you hands on an officer and it should not be tolerated no matter what the public thinks of them.
8:45 guy stops two chairs! WTF! JEDI!
why didn’t those black guys beating the cop not get shot
Bro everyone be fighting at McDonald’s son.
why woild you show a fight tbat didnt eveen happen like get good content you fukk face we wanna see fights not pussies if so wed be on ph
I notice alot of this fuckery happens at fast food places were ppl jus watch
See that's the thing with customers sometimes. They think since they are the customer, they are above the employee in some way. The problem is they forget that the employee is a human also. A human that can kick a little ass if they have to. The days of "the customer is always right" are gone. Now it's "Give resect to get respect."
Fatherless bastards exhibiting hyper-masculinity in our de-evolving society.
He got the McKnuckle
There's always one guy trying to break it up in 20 others filming it
Haha are all these at burger kings?
Haha yes whoop that cop
3:58 to 4:05 you can see a bum stealing a shoe ?
This cracks me up My boyfriend is a black belt he will whoop all of your guys asses ????
Mc Donalds new commercial
SOMEONE get the little man he throwing chairs ???
6:20 white lady don't like fighting ???
McDonald's doesn't seem like such a happy place anymore
A normal day in a Restaurant
everybody at mcdonald’s be havin black forces on and be listen to yb ??
I get agressions when I See how 2 ppl whip a cops ass. And DOZENS of ppl just watching…u fucking ppl dont deserve to get protected by cops
Where are the cops???
Fuch yeah love fighting ??
Lmaooo these white ass goofballs can’t even be ?
Always fighting cops lol
Bruh Mcdonalds workers dont get paid enough for this??
Why is every fight video ever recorded on a potato?
U gotta be a straight dimbass to fight a cop… unless u live in the hood or the sticks you ain’t getting away
This video needs more christmas music
Man why dosent this happen to the philipines
I guess go to Taco Bell at night to see free fights
Stahhp staahhhppp it. How dare you defend yourself from 2 attackers.