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everyone remember when that number 4 still would of gotten the kill with its super
The door closed on him ?
I hate ur voice so annoying
lol nr 3 should be one, the guy is like HELP ME PLEASE IM LOCKED IN WITH 3 PSHYCOS
I think 2nd is the funniest
They were DDosing in number 3. That's why the door closed. Ddosers have the power to not allow you to pick up heavy, open doors, collect/stop salvage as well. I'm glad Bungie is paying more attention to this.
number 4 XD
none of those were funny?
number one is so good especially because literally all titans have been in that position before ….. fail of havoc and dead
Love these videos
Hahahah number 2 though
What's that outro song ?
Destiny is garbage. Totally garbage.
2 is what happens when you don't use proximity
I just got : Red death and Vision of confluence on VOG
I have a sick 5 man on my channel that I sent in. Hope he does top 5 sniper clips next week lol
The number two guy that is basically my aim most of the time in destiny
The titan in the number one was like shiiit
people like #4 are the one of the reasons why shotguns are getting nerfed
number 3 should of been number 1
Number 4 be like "Ima just help with this pole over here."
Am done lol
Holy Crap 1:45 if you have connections like that, you should NOT even be allow to play Trials. That lag is just insane, why would they even wanna play Trials anyways with that kind of connection where people are teleporting, break dancing around, doors dont even open, and cant even pick up ammo cause the lag is just that damn bad……smh
IMO, number 3 was the funniest fail
0:55 … maybe sparrows dont like squeakers XD