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Camper Fail of the Week has carried over to Black Ops 2. There are times when the camping doesn’t go as planned. We in the Buis Call that a Camper Fail. Hope you enjoy.
Music By: The Specktators http://www.youtube.com/moeteemuzik
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeluxeTwenty
and Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Deluxe-20/460650217306724
The Crew
Deluxe 4: http://www.youtube.com/TheDeluxe4
Jahova: http://www.youtube.com/jahovaswitniss
KYR SP33DY: http://www.youtube.com/speedyw03
NobodyEpic: http://www.youtube.com/NobodyEpic
ShadowBeatz: http://www.youtube.com/ShadowBeatzInc
SideArms: http://www.youtube.com/sidearms4reason
G18: http://www.youtube.com/user/G18SprayAndPray
Get a C+ Custom Controller: http://www.youtube.com/user/ControllerPlus
You camped for like 10 minutes and got 1 kill good job!
Speedy !!
epic fail
Black Ops 2 has… disappointed me lately.
bIG TITS!- now I have your attention please check my channel out I'm doing a prize giveaway at 300 subs (I do cod vids) thanx 🙂
He didn't say he didn't like it… He just said that he hates bo2
congrats on the king of the web!!! u r the best!!
Sp33dy's comments on D20s corner were very accurate however Sp33dy should have known he picks the best corners
Not really a fail
ur face is horrible
What's the intro song
Link to the song message me plz
Link to s
I was out fighting the other night when a beast came up to me. I had toothpicks, a rubber band, tape and a pencil. I shot the rubber band in the beast eyes, and while he was distracted I taped the toothpicks to my knuckles like wolverine and held the pencil tight and then attacked the beast. We fought for 2 days straight until I managed to overpower him by taking a cheat shot on him. None of this is true, but if you enjoyed the story come check out my channel!
not really
Who ever said it had to be about cod?
Out of topic and akward statement that has nothing to do with cod , and there is no way you could know that so you are lieing , why try just to get attention?
Your girlfriend thinks you're horrible in bed just have to say 🙂
Black ops 2 is horrible just have to say 🙂
He's playing like that just for you tube you dumb asses.
they might as well make a 1 life TDM gametype,people rarely plant bomb,but you should get more points while moving and gain ur storestreaks faster
Look up exile yakamo
Elgato giveaway
Elgato giveaway
Elgato giveaway
Elgato giveaway
Elgato giveaway
I thought he was camping so hard because it was S&D turns out he was camping int he corner the whole game while playing TDM… lol
Cannon nick lmao
My first name is Cannon. No shit I'm serious 😀
nick cannon 😀
YEAH listen to the fucking perverted santa clause or u wont get visited on christmas.Then he will tell the easter bunny and the easter bunny will give u a rotten egg.The easter bunny will tell the tooth fairy and the tooth fairy will pull all your teeth out and sell them at a flea market.The guy at the flea market told the bank teller and the bank teller withdrew all your money and burned it and then denied everything the END
i would've responded the same way its quite obvious
uhh how was this entertaining
And it only takes you to the site as well so calm down.
I hope you win King of the Web D20 🙂