Celebrities last words before they died? #shorts Kurlyheadmarr — September 15, 2021 25 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I thought Michael Jackson's last words were iv been hit by, iv been struck by a smooth criminal. RIP M.J
Michael Jacksons words where a lot NOT THIS IDIOT
I love you more Michael Jackson ?
Michael said more milk tho-?
I thought Michael Jackson’s last words were “more milk”
My reaction when Michael Jackson died was a sad "hehe*
Why did Michael Jackson have to die
Micheal Jackson’s Last Words we’re “milk”??
Michael Jackson is so creepy
I thought micheals last words had something to do with milk-
Wasnt micheal jackson last words "more milk"?? ??
michael jackson I think he didn't say that, I think he said something like "more milk please
But Jackson isnt died
Micheal was asleep when died..
Is just me or is it that Mikell jackson looks scary
I thought Michael Jackson's last words were iv been hit by, iv been struck by a smooth criminal. RIP M.J
That image of michael jackson is creepy
Micheal jackon did not really die he faked his death but that was long long time ugo
I think we out
No Micheal Jackson Nooooo ?
Michael jackson last words was "more milk"
Btw Michael Jackson is Muzan Jackson lol
Michael Jackson last words were more milk