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About the Author: The UNBELIEVABLE


  1. I'm (thankfully) from the UK and have had several lucky escapes from our country's top 5 dangerous animals, which are: horses, cows, bees and wasps (technically insects but…), deer and domestic dogs.
    We also have some very angry badgers but they only come out at night and, up to the point that they become somewhat unreasonably angry, they're actually quite shy and retiring creatures ?

  2. That scene with the polar bear pit at the zoo?? I remember that story:

    The woman was actually suicidal & jumped in, hoping to kill herself via Death by Bear. Took place somewhere in Germany.

  3. "Every year across Africa, hippos kill an estimated 500 people, making them the world's deadliest mammal, after humans"…mostly on land – either way, i'm staying the hell away from hippos!!

  4. Chuck rocks at the mountain lions face and scream loud. Backing away and speaking too it will not help it doesn't speak English.

  5. I think some people realize that if a giant cat charges at you, running away will get you killed. You are now prey, they have the instinct to go after whatever runs from them. People are stupid.

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