It's unreal how many kittens squeezed INTO a rock!

It's unreal how many kittens squeezed INTO a rock!
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This family of kittens was left behind, and the mother was nowhere to be found. A Good Samaritan called #HopeForPaws and this time, JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick responded!

This family is looking for their forever homes and if you would like to adopt them, please contact our friends at The Kitty Bungalow.

If you would like to adopt Cactus, Aloe, Prickly Pear, Yucca or Agave, please visit: (click on animal adoptions) or visit: – they have many other beautiful kittens for adoption 🙂

Thank you so much for commenting, liking, and sharing our videos – it really helps us with saving more lives.

Have a Happy 4th of July!



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  1. Consider keeping a good pair of rose bush gloves in your HFP vehicles. They are a good investment as they will protect you from cat scratches and bites right up to your elbows. I use them when I have to demat my cats. Because I know I won't get hurt I am much calmer, so the cats are ca!mer and I am able to carefully get the mats out.

  2. Don't you really need to neuter mom? That would be step one after rescuing whole family! Problem not really solved. More kittens coming along in another few weeks.

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