Get the GURKEY Merch ➡ http://shopfunnelvision.com and make sure you are subscribed ➡ http://bit.ly/1KKE2f1 … GURKEY!! It’s Slouchdrina!!! FGTeeV Duddy & Shawn check out Entity, a new game that’s not final so it still has some bugs but it’s going to be a great game when it’s all working right!!! Hope you enjoy! 🙂
Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh!
?Our Family/Vlog channel, FUNNEL VISION:
?Our Toy Channel: DOH MUCH FUN:
?Family Friendly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV:
?Skylander Boy and Girl Channel: http://www.youtube.com/theskylanderboyandgirl
►Instagram: http://instagram.com/funnelvisionfam
►Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SkylanderKids
►Twitter: http://twitter.com/funnelvisionfam
FGTeeV is a Family Gaming Channel of 6 people. Dad is known as FGTEEV Duddy & Mom, well, we call her whatever but sometimes it’s Moomy. They have 4 children, Chase, Mike, Lex & Shawn! We play all sorts of games, Thanks for checking us out.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music & Content by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com
I love fgteev wow I love watching this video
I like when you say Gurkey
I request u to play Little Nightmares 2
Shawn was cute in the begginning??
Shawn is literally so cute
i challange you to play a horror game 23 hours
FG TV I’m your biggest fan
good old days man
Fgteevi iahhahhahahahahhahahahha
fgtv dad screms so loude but i like it im only ten and hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I don't think thats her sis
but she's not attacking him
I got your FG TV book my mom bought it
Thank you
0:03 what the freak did you say ?!
Woah slendrina turn into Bootleg Slendrina
I think when duddy hugs shawn is really cute
Scheme is called zombie attack in Roblox
FG TV have you ever played this game before that I really love
10:24 9:30 1591 0102 0846 are the codes
Slouchdrina is slendrina twin sisters
I not scar of Entlty
Where do you live like in a country
slendrina: runs over to attac entity
YOU DON'T BE MEAN Daddy ???? Shawn
Okay you get me! Daddy. Me LOL what is Shawn saiyan?
Somebody at school said it was mo- sister?????
Duddz: i can hide under- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!/shawn: mouth and neck scareds
Guys I’m actually Slendrina and I love your videos when you play granny
Dirty dirty
Shawn in 2018 is so cute but now he is so grown up in 2021 :>
…… M
Shawn is so cute and funny
I don’t think this is a good year so maybe next time don’t ever play this game again this is a scary game it well I didn’t watch the whole thing is it on the beginning because it looks very creepy and I don’t want to get a nightmare so I’m giving you a thumbs down for this video this is probably gonna be the worst one and the scariest but I didn’t want to so I just don’t want to get it I just don’t want to get a nightmare and I don’t want is the scariest so don’t ever think skin if it’s very scary scream OK
Shawn is so cute
OKAY thank you
I will send you a code fgteev for Rodot