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Tune in for some hilarious tutorials that went wrong!
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Thanks to Raid for sponsoring this video!
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/Sept_BeAmazed and get a special starter pack ? Available only for the next 30 days
freckles because some people might be allergic to henna and it will scar like hell
I showed people what happens when you forget to push the button on a baitcaster to cast line goes nowhere and the bait goes flying lol oops
Girl: pours sugar
I'm about end this lady's whole career
20:49 who else knew what was about to happen as soon as you saw her face (iykyk)
I wonder if a face peel would have lightened the freckles a bit faster?
Lipstick made it almost look like joker from the old time where they reached up to his cheeks
Oh boy raid shadow legends, i cant bear this fkin advertisement anymore, fkin plarium spending on advertisement more than it spends for game improvements
25:02 the first time that BE AMAZED laughs
"…raid shadow legends!"
Me: *tap tap screen rapidly*
One time my friend said her friends mom was going to dye our hair and she took me to this ladies house and the lady left the bag on my head to long and my hair was falling out my hair looked so bad
Why would you post something that failed? I'd delete that and never let it be seen. Hahaha
About that fried rice just like uncle roger said you fuck up
The fishing one looks like a set up- especially the camera man "falling" out of the boat
3:40 is when sponser ends no need for thanks
Pov you made ruv mad
What makes me giggle isn't their failures… It's that they STILL put the video's up!…?
omg the grocery bag dye seeping into the bleached hair had me dying. I never had any desire to ever bleach my hair and seeing that this happens to people got me cracking up. Ty I needed a good laugh.
I miss the old intro "BE AMAZED! "
i feel bad for em, good intentions gone wrong
why i didnt get the starter pack in raid im ok now it didn't work in android but it work in pc
Bitch don’t kill my vibe
My alt account, BiTerra_Gaming (good luck finding it [#notaplug]) has a horrible golfing tutorial that isn't really a tutorial
This is the world we live in now! I feel sorry for the generations to come! These people are going to be parents, teachers, politicians, etc. God help America ???!!!!
Nose hair is a natural part of the human body that serves as a defense system. Nasal hair keeps harmful debris out of the body system and maintains moisture in the air we breathe.
HAHAHA napaka bobo naman ng mga tao sa video na ito lmao
You'll see me everywhere
The last 1 is a meme
The changeable soccer disappointedly bruise because range peroperatively clip barring a expensive tramp. damp, endurable velvet
2:30 lol i just watched your vid about "adverts that lie to us" and then you put one yourself in your video –'
Why did she still post the glue trick omg I shouldn't have copied her!!! Should have watched to the end first omg help!!! Jk lol
can you make a video on the top 5 tourist destinations in the world.
RSL is crap,
I rent the one who use gorilla glue sue the company ? welp
"AAAAAANNNDDD now for todays sponsor: Raid shadow legends!"
It'll happen to her at least a couple times in her life where she may get have to buzz cut
The last three were the funniest
How do you download videos
I felt bad for the guy on the thumbnail
i did cut my bangs as a kid, but my mom said it made my hair look better and didnt punish me lol