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first one is Lalomanu .. Samoa ??
I wonder how many first hand videos are buried, that we will never see, from the people who ran just a little too quick, and just a little too close, to the edge…
Thanks for the awesome vids guys!
Love the footage. Some more believable than others. Thank you
How do videographers know when and where landslides are imminent?
Amazing. ? T.E.N.
Все кто стоит и смотрит, тех Господь не предупреждает, что опасно!!!
Erosion has nothing to do with climate change, rather with the stupidity and ignorance of the people
In the 50's I think it was a landslide created a 1000 foot or 800 foot wave in a bay that desyroyed the mountains around the bay. Which also limited damage to other areas. There were people in boats that were able to survive this. There is also a volcano off Africa that could shear off and the wave would destroy the East coast and make it hundreds of miles on shore. These are everywhere and when our creator calls you home, it's time.
How can so many people be there when there is a landslide coming kind of suspicious if you ask me
I'll never understand why people don't stop people from walking right into death's path. People suck.
Во многом виноваты люди. Вырывают катлованы по 20 30 метров.А дороги строят. Рубят скалы. И со временем вот такое получается.
Страшно, вся природа в. Движении! Люди берегите леса и. Воду!
Châu chấu, những dòng sông nước chảy như máu, bệnh dịch, hạn han, lủ lụt, các điềm lạ, động đất:. Là báo hiệu tận thế
Sắp tận thế lúc 15 giờ
Phản Kito là ĐGH xv
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
Astogfirulloh allazhim ?? kita harus eling sama sang Pencipta Allah SWT ??????
awesome, just think of the new gold and minerals laying around!!
The first one is how new real estate is born
Wow ?
The first slide is in Haines Alaska. I live in Juneau Alaska, it was devastating to see the damage landslides did this last winter. ✌
Gravity is a bitch… especially on poorly constructed buildings.
I thank thare
Is nothing stronger than
Morther earth
The old saying
Don't miss with mother earth. Comes
Into mind.
What's happening in our world, I think few years later there will be no human.
Nở núi kinh khủng
That dam man-made climate change is causing all this gravity now too!
4:45 You ordered 1000 ton dirt? Here you go.
Thank you great video.the screen blocked 2/3of it.camera person too.till then keep smiling with lol politely healthy and safely stay alive
The one that looked like the Himalayas makes me wonder about the stability of Everest.
Sura 27 – is The Ants – Holy Quran
And you will see the mountains – you think they are frozen – as they pass like clouds. This is the work of Allah who shaped everything to perfection. He is Perfectly Knowledgeable of what you are doing!
اللهم امين يارب العالمين ❤️
Sourate 27 – is Les Fourmis – Saint Coran
Et tu verras les montagnes – tu les crois figées – alors qu'elles passent comme des nuages. Telle est l'oeuvre d'Allah qui a tout façonné à la perfection. Il est Parfaitement Connaisseur de ce que vous faites!
اللهم امين يارب العالمين ❤️
Maybe G5 is shaking our soil loose maybe even going through our planet and it one time it was said the soil is sour and the Bible says the mountains shall tumble to the Sea or maybe mudfossils with gigantic Giants and dragons and creatures fallen in a war long before our butts were around their bodies are crumbling up even more then just the simple a erosion we're accustomed to or Giants held in cages in these mountains are rattling bars & banging trying to get out? They have been doing a lot of mining of the sand along coastlines that's why they're falling apart but that wouldn't be in this case you can see the tracks in the ocean huge machinery like a whole new world underneath there so hey not imagination it's just knowing history plus the boss of this world is not my king so I have no loyalty to this planet
Subhan Allah kia shaan hai mere Allah ki , sb kuch reza reza krdia
Yamkei gaya
This is Dragon move to another place. Isnt Nature.
are these people stupid?
4:46 /4:56 ? THAT'S SCARY❗..Unpredictable inside during the work
@6:40, The day that the ""SOIL COMPACTION ENGINEER"" was out sick!
I ""FEEL"" that ""WISHFUL THINKING"" is the main cause of these MAJOR SLIDES & INTENSE REARRANGEMENTS of that fine old lady…..MOTHER NATURE, all at the behest of those damn ""FLAT EARTHERS"" that are using ""MIND over MATTER"" in an never ending quest that THEIR way of thinking will someday soon, become a reality!!!
The first one looks like it has a face in the top,wow!