? https://bit.ly/3gkkphk
Polar Bears enter in town for searching food, these dangerous animals facing with dogs which they keep as alert for these deadly animals. Bear attacks not only domestic animals but they attract humans too . Polar Bear attack are fatal most of the times .
Polar bears are not pets are not herbivores they are apex predator the biggest terrestrial predator of modern time .
“TOP HITS – 2021
Kangal Vs Big Bear ( Best Compilation) https://youtu.be/Mp-O1lAI6lQ
Dog vs Bear Ultimate Battle – TOP 10
Wolf Killer VS Wild Animals – Part 2
Tibetan Mastiff Vs Wolf – Guardian Of Tibet 2021
Alabai Dog Vs LEOPARD – Animals Face-Off 2021
Tibetan Mastiff Vs Leopard & Wolf – Animals Face-Off
WolfKiller dog VS Wild Animals part 1
#Hbkennel #animals #dogservice
0:46 – in the end the three dogs make polar bear mom withdraw n nobody's hurt.
0:55 – polar bear attacks lady. (1:09) – someone throws something at bear n lady escapes.
I remember seeing a video of a polar bear grabbing a dog by the tail and swinging it
Always a great job ? awesome ? uploads
A mae urso esta protegendo os filhotes dela
That's a difference between a tiger and a polar bear. Tigers have no mercy.
Why does this moron put his dogs in danger by going after this polar bear with Cubs ?
She's protecting her Cubs she's hungry
Kücucük yavru ANNESÌZ YAPAMIYOR AMA Ìnsanoglu her türlü cefayî bebeklerimize acımadan bırakp giden Anneler gordum onlardan biri benim biri 3.yaş biri beş yaş biri yedi yaş .CÌGERINÌ ….ANNELERÌ Bırakıp başka biriyle gitti ve bende birde madde bagımlısıydım.ALLAH IN YARDIMI ÌLE Büyütdüm a bende bitdim.buvun bir kadîn bakamıyor iki cocuga .ÇIGERSIZ SNNELER BSKAMIYacagnız bebek yapmayın. Saygilar.⚘
Dangerous killers should be shot…
Stupid dogs tbh I'd think twice before messing with a beast that is 5 times my size and can rip me to shreds in a matter of seconds
Куда вы смотрите ?
Soon we won't have these beautiful animals
That's sad she's just trying to get food
Very good video.
I need !!SHOWER!! 3:09 ????????
If bear piss off no one can save that dog 1:37
Doll vs bear 1:07 ??????????
Dogs should not Harm to Those Female Bear and his cubs..???
Yavru ayı annesinin ayağına sarılıyor korkusundan ğünah
well i will give my opinion on wolf vs dog if a well trained kangal fight a healthy male timber wolf it will end in draw
In general dogs keep distance with big bears but in this video grey dog attack closely the big bear
Nice video